
Thank you for your responses, what do u do when your cookin n your 1yr old hangin from your leg throwin a fit?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks so much for all your great responses. It's nice knowing your not the only one going thru this. My son is in day care because i work full time. I think i do give him alot of attention but I can definately see that he could use more, especially since i'm gone all day and there's not much time when i get home because you have to cook, clean, bath, etc.. dont get me wrong, i make sure there is play time and to involve him as much as possible. With that said i'll work on the attention and the disciplie but what should i do when i'm trying to cook and he's hanging from my leg screaming? it's hard because he isn't walking yet and I wouldnt know how to have him help me? any suggestions on how to involve him but keep him safe? haha...




  1. give him some pots and pans or a couple cans of soup with a spoon and see if he can make some music

  2. I have a special cubboard that my son can reach that has towels, baking stuff, wooden spoon, etc. that he can only play in when I'm in there cooking or washing dishes. So then it's special and we can "cook" together. good luck!

  3. My son likes to hang on me too when I cook - he is 14 months old.  I usually give him a pot and spoon to play drums.  Or I will sit him in the high chair with a small snack.  Anything to distract him  :)

  4. children are smart this day and if he know he can get away with it he will contiue to do so.  give him a set area and make the kitchen off limed to him. keep him i eye site but  not in the kitchen because if something drop on him an he get hurt you will have child protection service at ur home.


    you could put him in the high chair with a toy so his with you and you can talk to him.

  5. Put him in his high chair near you with a snack and some kitchen items, so he can "cook," too.

  6. sit him in his high chair and give him a bowl and a spoon  with some thing in it or a piece or ice.

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