
Thank you high Gas prices, How can this be?

by  |  earlier

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I only drive on the weekends so for me high gas prices is not a big issue. At least not yet.

But Oh how I enjoy the empty freeways and street in my area.

There are still a few hold outs, but I 'm sure they will be beat once gas hits $5 by the 4th of JULY. At that time the roads will be even more empty. I LOVE IT!!!

The way I see it, high gas prices are just a TAX. TAX modifies peoples behaviors. I see this working full on. Too bad its not a real tax (mostly just profits for oil companies).

but what do you think about the way I see things?




  1. I agree.  As much as I dislike the extra costs, I relish less traffic and congestion.  I'd like to see $5.00 tax added to each pack of cigarettes sold too.

  2. ew. ur looking at this in a selfish way. maybe u can afford it but some people cant. and they have children that go to school that cant take the bus cuz they cant afford $300 one way a year. and basically if u keep your attitude up about how great it is. its gunna make the oil people feel less quilty. and believe its alright. thats why theyre coming out with different cars for help. obviously people work out of theyre house and u dont. so i repeat. dont be so selfish!! hopefully gas will go down!! and im just gunna guess u dont have children.and i dont expect u to put this as the best answer cuz im going against your perfect life. and for me to only be as young as i am and realize this. i think u shld too.(i like that guys cigarettes idea though)

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