
Thank you my human fellows in England,?

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but don't you agree with me that our world in General has a growing racial tension?

I have not met a lot of english people, most of persons I met were scientists in my field and people who work in science are the most tolerant people in general, they don't put any consideration to race.

So I interact with english people only through internet , or what I know from a non biased site like BBC

I am a good follower to the BBC news online, and almost everyday I read about a crime or stabbing case and as I think a large number of them are against non english people.

So you should know my impression when I find people start say go away , don't come, why don't you study in your muslim country and so on...

I have to admit, I was wrong for generalising ,and thanks especially for Yahoo answer user Alamara




  1. I've been British for 42 years and even i don't recognise "Britian" by what i read in this forum

    please, don't judge a whole nation by this forum, that would be silly.

  2. You think a large number of stabbings are against non-english (by which I take it you mean - 'of different ethnic origin') people? You may be right. But in many cases, the person doing the stabbing is of a similar ethnic grouping; it's not like we have gangs of middle-class white people in tophat and tails going around roughing up anyone with slightly tanned skin.

  3. I don't agree. Racial tension has almost nothing to do with a large number of stabbings and shootings, it has more to do with "Americanised" gang culture amongst many of the blacks in the larger cities and gangs trying to "out beef" each other.

  4. .This is a very sad question and also a very sad answer but it has to be faced. Yes, the majority of people stabbed to death are not british white but afro, african, muslim etc who's families might have been here for a few or not so few years - but, they are being killed by their own kind - not white brits! This has followed from their homelands and also includes problems with chinese workers and gang masters. As a daughter of Irish immigrants who came to england in the late 1940's and who supported the country here in its' hour of need then i have no time for people who come here to live off the backs of decent hardworking people who pay their dues - unfortunately there are an increasing number of parasitic people who come here to live off everyone else without paying their way! Make your own mind up about England, but if i was younger i would go to Australia or New Zealand!

  5. I agree with the above ITS NOT LIKE THE KU KLUX KLAN..

    The fact is if you read the new properly you'll find that at present this is only happening in london, none of them have been muslim - they have all if not but a few been afro-carribeans and all linked to these stabbings.

    Umm actually I would disagree with you there because if you look at history my friend ....... THEN THERE WAS TENSION

    Personally again... you don't know anything until you visit here yourself.

    Also because there are a lot of Muslim people here in the UK then you will not be Gawped at in the street like an alien ...  and the fact is where ever you go there are dangers.

    For example in the muslim country you live in there are still these same crimes happening they are just not reported on by the media. E.g. rape (as this is shameful to the family)

  6. Just want to correct one point - you say " I think a large number of them are against non english people."  THis is incorrect, 99.9% of the stabbings are by British youth, against British youth. the fact that most of them happen to be black youths is another issue, but I think you're not aware that there are black people who are British too because they and some of their parents were born here.

  7. Most of the stabbing you refer to are carried out within the individual foreign cultures that have settled in England. Therefore when you hear that a young West Indian has been murdered, it is usually by another West Indian and more often than not, related to drugs.

    Tragically, on occasion, totally innocent passersby get killed by mistake.

  8. Do you know what your talking about.    or just feeling sorry for yourself ? Make's me wonder!!!!!

  9. I thought most of the youngsters who were stabbed were English.  They may have had black skin, but they are still English, and while some may have been gang-related, I don't believe that they were racially motivated.

    Many English people are wary of the whole Muslim situation and a lot of this is down to the media (eg, the Daily Mail, etc) stirring stuff up.

    The UK is a very tolerant country compared to supposed civilised countries such as the USA.

  10. There would not be any if people either stayed in their own countries or kept to themselves when they immigrate. If you are an immigrant, then learn the language, show respect to the native people, and obey the customs of the nation in which you are a guest. Do not demand that the native people bend their lives to your customs. It's a simple thing to ask. I notice most of you, in your own nations, seem to demand the same.  

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