
Thank you to everyone who helped out... when I needed it most.?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone....I'm the guy that's been writing all these questions about m girlfriend coming home, working things outs with me, only to find out she's pregnant by another guy! I was lost and hurt with my feelings, and so confused. But I know what I need to do now, I need to let it go. I didn't want to, but everyone's advice helped me through this. Instead of listening to what she was telling me, and getting confused by the way she was acting around me, I decided to analyze the entire situation, and how she couldn't make up her mind. Someone wrote to me "do you want to be with her, even if you werent her first choice?" Overall, I know what needs to be done, now. I need space. Time to heal, and clear my mind. Time to find myself again. Yahoo answers is definitely an fantastic part of Yahoo, wish I knew about this sooner. Thank you everyone for listening to my sad stories and helping me find a answer...




  1. No problem always here to help. Good Luck

  2. sweetie YAHOO answers community  is like  family to me. we are always here to help people who need someone  to listen to them, sound off or just like the company.

  3. I love yahoo answers. It helps me out every day. Yes you need to leave her be. Take some time out and think. There are way to many woman out thier to be crying on just one. good luck

  4. I'm really sorry about your situation.  Time will make everything better I'm sure.  I hope everything starts looking up for you.  You seem like a really great guy and deserve to find a great woman who puts you first and treats you the way you should be treated.  Good Luck to you

  5. good luck we are pulling for you

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