
Thanks england for letting us win at twickers.?

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you blew it on .you look tired after 60mins.thats when o.a.p.s tend to nod off for their afternoon kip.




  1. Enjoy it, It will be the year 2028 by the time you do it again!! Seriously tho, well done. The best team won

  2. England ran out of steam. You could say they were running around like headless chickens, but that would be an insult to the chickens.

  3. You hit the nail on the head. We did LET you win didn't we..

  4. LOL:))

    Yep................Diolch yn fawr iawn!

  5. CYMRU AM BYTH.............................TWLL DYN BOB SAIS !

  6. Did you see them showing their bus passes as they got off the team coach yesterday?

  7. spin

  8. You're absolutley right, we blew you way in the first half then fell to pieces in the second.

    Ian Balshaw should never have been playing mind you.

  9. i think they got it!!

  10. Na doeddent wedi gadael i ni ennill

    Roeddwn ni'n haeddu ennill ac ennill gyda angerdd hefyd

    They didn't let us win we wan with pride and stamina

  11. Wales did win fair and square no doubt on that.

    But England did collapse. Both teams were very poor and will struggle to progress if they play the next game the same. Wales have a huge amount of work to do, England were poor all day but still looked better than Wales before they decided to collapse.

    I think if it it were a football game allegations of match fixing would be being banded about that's how spectacular the collapse was.

  12. LOL,,ha,ha.

  13. Well done Emma!    England didn't 'let' Wales win!   England LOST it...completely!

  14. The dragon came alive in the second half, and didn't England know it.  Twll din pob sais!!

  15. C'mon we played a better game second half when they took Parker off and the team talk in the changing rooms must have been very verbal.

    Wales won fair and square

  16. England didn't let us win we done it on our own!!!

    C'MON WALES !!!! :o)

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