
Thanks everyone for your answers to the hme schooling question but?

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do you have to be certified to home school and can you teach grades ahead,like start kindergaten at maybe 4 yrs. old.can you go at a quicker pace than if the child was learning at a public school. example,say at the age of 14 your child knows everything they need to know to get their high school diploma. also when i said im not smart i meant im not college educated so was wondering if i would be allowed to home school mychild( shes only 18 months now) but thinking ahead.




  1. Hi,

    No, you don't have to be certified to homeschool - you are qualified if you are willing to do what it takes to provide for your child's education.  It takes some legwork, and it's not always convenient, but you don't have to be certified to do it.

    You can start her education as soon as she's ready for it - mine was learning letters at around 18 months, when he asked about them.  He knew his colors and shapes, and could count to 20 or 30.  He was reading by age 3, adding and subtracting by 4, and examining owl pellets and learning the major bones of the body at age 5.  Now, he's 10 and doing algebra, but I tell him he's in the 5th grade.  That way, he knows what to answer when people ask him :-)

    That's the great thing about homeschooling - you can tailor it to your child's needs rather than what the school district teaches at that age.  The school district scope and sequence isn't a perfect formula, by any's a basic outline of how to teach a lot of information to a large group of children.  Some get it, some don't...but when the lesson plans move on, so do they.

    With homeschooling, you can spend as much or as little time as your child needs on something, and you can move as quickly or as slowly as they need to.  As far as I'm aware, there are options in every state for homeschooling if you're not certified.  If you can let us know which state you live in, we can point you to the state-specific laws.

    Many homeschool parents are not college-educated, and many hold advanced degrees.  Yet, even though the parents vary in educational levels, the one thing that is almost a constant is that homeschool kids tend to achieve high things in academics and other areas.

    Hope that helps!

  2. No, you do not have to be certified to homeschool, although in some states it does make annual reviews easier.

    Yes, you may teach as much as you like. The wonder of homeschooling is that you can make it fit every single child's needs.

    College education has little to do with intelligence. In fact, one of my favorite quotes was Mark Twain, who said "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education". Fact is, people who are concerned about that tend to go out of their way to be prepared and learn WITH their kids instead of depending on someone else to do it.

    Please visit for information about your state.

  3. You need to check your state's laws for specific requirements:

    But in general, you do not ned a college degree to teach your child.  Statistics show you can homeschool successfully even if you have not completed high school:

    You can definitely move at a quicker pace if you child is ready too. As to whether or not they can gradute at 14, that depends on your state's compulsory attendance laws.  If the laws do not require her to be in school at 14, she can graduate.  

    Another option is for your child to take classes at community college during high school, thereby earning college credit.

    Here's some general info on homeschooling for you:

    Hope this helps!

  4. You won't need a teaching credential, but you may have to have approval or a certain level of education. Y

    ou need to check the laws for your state or province. If you are in the us than you can find the laws for your state here:

  5. Good for you to be thinking so far ahead. First what are the laws in your state? For those go to HSLDA. and look them up. they will tell you what the requirements are for you. Some states have strict regulations and others are really loose.

    If a child can progress at a faster rate then by all means go at your kids pace not yours. If she is 14 and ready to graduate then great well done Mom! It's time to look into community college and start her on a career path.

    I don't hold any college degrees and can teach most of this stuff. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to teach addition (or rocket science for that matter). But again that is a legal issue that you need to figure out. Where I live college isn't a deciding factor as to who has the right to home school.

  6. You do not have to be certified to homeschool.  Certification is only training in traffic control.  You can move as quickly or as slowly as you and your child wish.

    You do not need a college degree to teach.  You need love and dedication.

    All the best.

  7. no you do not have to be certified to home school.  and yes, of course you can teach grades ahead --- and yes, you can go at a quicker pace -- you won't be able to not go quicker than the public school....  and yes, IF your child is really ready for a high school diploma than you can do that --- I suggest that you just focus on your child's needs and give the best opportunities for (her/him?) to learn as much as possible every day.

    nobody has to give you permission to homeschool your child. YOU are the mom.  YOU are the one that is in authority. YOU have the choice to allow or disallow others to teach your child.

  8. ok well my mom home-schools me, and im supposed to be in sixth but im in seventh cuz she moved me ahead, and when it's time u kno when school kids are getting the f-cat, all she does is gets a lady she knows, and has her come and evalulate us, by looking at all our past work, i dont know if this will help, but i older sister, is supposed to be a senior n high school, but my mom thoguht she was smart enough, so now she's at  Manatee, so yea hope tht helps

  9. Our state requires high school diploma or GED for a parent to homeschool their own children.

    You need to do research for your state and wait until your child is older so you will know what type of curriculum and what style of teaching will benefit her the most.

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