
Thanks for all the answers about going digital,BUT.........?

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if it's so easy just to buy a freeview box and use the analogue TV,why spend £300 or £400 on a digital TV?????




  1. If you are happy with the picture on your current TV then just get a Freeview box; the picture will be even better, assuming good reception. Upgrade to a digital tv when your current TV gives up the ghost or the picture deteriorates to an unacceptable extent.

  2. Because you picture will look like poo poo

  3. To the average TV watcher, digital television pictures delivered to an analogue TV from a freeview box will be amazingly clear.

    There is NO valid reason to buy a TV with an integrated digital  tuner other than cosmetics ( ie, it won't have a small freeview box attached to it).

    Freeview boxes are as good as inbuilt freeview on TVs

  4. I didn't quite catch your last question... however, to try and jump in late.... depending on exactly what your getting in a £300-£400 TV... you could be paying for the following.....

    A ALL digital TV is likely to have produce a better picture then many or most analog TVs.  Having the signal be all digital, right into the TV, also ensures the optimal amount of clarity. ESPECIALLY if we're talking about a cheaper HDTV or EDTV here.

    Also, your paying for the convenience of being able to change the channels right on the TV, rather then in a converter box of some sort.

    If you wanna ask about any specific model TV in that price range... I could prolly tell you more.  Your talkin' to a yank here so I'm not sure what you can get for that many pounds in the UK.

  5. You dont have to buy a digital tv whoever told you that dosent know what they are talking about

  6. Digital TV is just a normal TV with a Free-view Digibox built in. Don't waste your money buying an expensive Digital TV when a cheap Digibox will do the same job.

    It's just another scam to get your money.

    I feel sorry for all those people who have been conned and are dumping their perfectly good TV's down the tip.

  7. Your right just buy a freeview box HONESTLY its just as good.

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