
Thanks for the advice on the knee and back pain but?

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I tried over the counter rubs, and sprays, I've done the tylenol Arthritis, Naproxen, Robaxen, fish oils, flexeril, vicodin, percocets, pristiq, ultram, and one other anti inflamitory that i can't quite remember. Is there anyone out there that could give me advice the next time i go to the doctors? I've been dealing with pain for 14 years now. I need all the help i can get.




  1. I have had back pain for many years and got to the point where it was so bad I couldn't move.

    Went to the doctor and had an MRI and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitis (degeneration of the spine).

    So basically the muscles around the damaged vertabrae would become inflamed.

    I take a slow release tablet once a day called Lodine SR 600mg - Etodolac.

    Over the last few years I have drastically been able to cut down to taking them on average once per week. Generally before I play cricket on a Sunday which allows my back to relax better or before I fly on a long-haul flight.

    It's really made a massive difference to my life. I used to really struggle to play sports and am now feeling a million times better.

    You must speak to your doctor about these tablets. I have had zero side-affects. No drousiness or anything and also been able to drink alcohol without it having an affect although I am not really much of a drinker.

  2. There are Doctors that specialize in Pain management.  Try to see one of them.  They can do injections to help the pain.  They have a lot of new things to help the pain.  Also, they can help you find the best medication combination.  This website can help you find one near you

    You may need the cause of the pain treated.  If the back pain is from a herniated disc, the disc pressing on the nerve could be causing the knee pain.  Pain Doctors can help with this, too.

  3. your welcome

  4. Well you have tried doctors and also medicines. Joint pains could also be related to food and digestion also. may be a lil regular exercise could help. and some times pains are physiological also :) ... may sound odd, but its true. :) .. so start believing that you are fit ;)  

  5. You need to first find out what specifically is wrong in order to be treated appropriately.  Have you seen an orthopedist and have you had MRI's (not just X-Rays)?

    Go to Walmart (cheapest store) and try Blu-Emu cream twice daily.  It will help along with Motrin for the inflammation.

  6. thanx

  7. you need to know what is wrong before you can be treated. next time you go to the doctor ask if they can prescribe an MRI and X-RAYS because i had tons of problems and once i got the MRI and the X-RAYS it helped me a ton and i could get treated. even after you get treated it WILL still hurt. mine still hurts, i have friends who dislocated it 5 yrs ago and it still hurts, uncle torn ACL 2 years ago it still hurts, and anther uncle who had replacement surgery so whatever is wrong if it is any thing moderately serious, dont expect the pain to be gone forever. ok

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