
Thanksgiving never happened?

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I am 18 years old and the other night I had just found out that thanksgiving NEVER happened. Common theory is that it's all a lie, and that indians and pilgrims never made up and "shared thanks". What really happened though is nothing, the pilgrims were too busy fighting with the indians over land.

How come public schools lie so much about history in the books? I have come to find out from reading library books and watching the history channel that a lot of stuff they tell you in the books is either twisted around, or completely false just to make the United States look better.

Is this a government trick?

All this time I have been thinking something completely false and this makes me lose faith in public education (although I cannot say anything for private schools, as I have never attended one).

What else did they teach me that was completely wrong?





  1. of course it did for hundreds of years!!

  2. Does it matter anyway if  it manages a lot  of good memories and those delicious meals that we only get once or twice a year.

  3. Thanksgiving really happened. Only actually,  white settlers not ate the fat Indian turkeies, but American Indians with the utmost pleasure ate fat white settlers on a supper.

  4. I hate to admit it but i heard this years ago they didn't make up this is stolen land but i still celebrate it for the reason of being thankful for what i have.

  5. NOOOO WAY! so thanksgiving never happened?!? what?!?!?!

  6. Of course it happened! Who told you it didn't? There are hundreds of historically accurate accounts of the first Thanksgiving.

  7. yeah it happened. but even if it didn't, i think america really needs a day of thanks because the world is so greety these days

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