
That's completely irrelevant?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard this phrase thrown around a number of times in reference to Palin and her varied scandals which begs the question - is relevance purely relative? I mean, how many of the things in politics that we discuss are really relevant in terms of evaluating that individual's ability to perform their job? Is Edwards affair really relevant? Isn't that a private family issue? Couldn't Bill Clinton's affair be seen in the same light? Before you tell me about how he lied, I would argue that keeping in line with this logic he never should have been asked about it in the first place. How do you reconcile this, apparent, hypocrisy on both sides since Dems do it too I just can't think of any examples at the moment.




  1. Edwards affair doesn't really bug me as bad as the Clinton one.

    Clinton did this as a president in the White house - he had no respect for his family as well as the intern he did this with.  Now I realize that other presidents have had their booty on the side the difference is they never got caught and they didn't do it in the White house.  I don't even care that he lied about it everyone lies.  It was the way it happened.  He basically told all men in America that it is ok to **** around on your wife.  Hillary then showed all the women in America hey stand by your man no matter how many times he ***** you over.  I would have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she left.  

  2. no. Edwards and Clinton were persecuted for their OWN actions. Palin should not be persecuted for her daughter's actions. People cannot control everything their children do but they can control everything they do themselves.

  3. You're smart =) LOL!!!

  4. For the record, Bill Clinton was being sued by a former employee of the state of Arkansas.  He was asked specifically about Monica Lewinsky and to protect his ***, he committed perjury.

    That case ended up being settled and Bill Clinton had to surrender his law license.  


  5. Well as republicans we could get nasty like Obama was a b*****d child because his mother was not legally married to his father since he was a bigamist and was all ready married.He then married 3 other women after Obama's mother. Them democrats are bully's and they went after Hillary then Sarah and now her daughter Bristol and in Dec. they can bash her child! Democrats are loosing it what do they think their doing do they really think they are helping Obama? I think not!!! Women are getting real sick of the media and Obama's campaign people, they are giving McCain the presidency not like he was loosing it! McCain08'

  6. Clinton was asked about his affairs in a law suit because he was sexually abusing the complainant.

  7. no matter how you look at it she does not carry as many bags as obama.  

  8. its ownly relevent cause rep play the morality card then whine when its turned on them

  9. The relevance is that Palin was instrumental in forcing the school districts to teach abstinence before marriage.  This is where the point lies.  It's a totally different thing than the affairs that Clinton and Edwards had.  As a matter of fact their daliance did not affect my family.  However if Palin is brought to national power she will try to pass laws that will make s*x education illegal.  Clinton and Edwards  were not trying to change public policy when it came to extra-marital affairs.  Palin was trying to change s*x education.  And now it appears that her own daugther's life is a mess.  Her daughter's boyfriend appears to have dropped out of high school.  There a huge hypocracy with this situation.

    If someone can't control their own family's mess, then how are they to manage two international wars, a huge economic mess, a health care system that works only for the rich and gaps in the education system.  Palin is also against drilling in her home state which also works against the policies of the Republican party as a whole.

    So I'm very confused about this choice.

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