
That's it I'm tierd of living with seizures please help me!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have seizure and it's been 9 years. No medicines are working and on top of it my seizures are more different then you can imagine even my doctors are amazed by them. I have them on schedule like if I get one on thursday I will get another the same day on the week that follows the put me in they hospital and did a video eeg while taking me off my medicine and still with no medicine in my system they still didn't come till their time my doctor is stunned by these results the only good part of this is like I said I already know when I will get sick so I plan my life around them put i'm tired of it now and I just want to get better i'm taking 3 meds but I guess you can say it's for nothing I take lamictal,keepra and topamax and they are suppose to be the best please if there is anyone that can help me with information please do i'm still young and want a chance to live like a normal person.




  1. I'm no doctor and won't pretend to be...I just wanted to wish you luck and hope you find your answer!

  2. I cant really tell you nothing cause Im not a doctor. But this is a link that can help you.

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