
That 911 was, at least, facilitated by insiders, is taken as given. So how do you think it will play out?

by Guest31877  |  earlier

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Will it be like the gulf of Tonkin incident, acknowledged as a lie, decades later, and not even on mainstream media.

Or do you guess otherwise?




  1. Jimmy Hoffa is alive and well.

  2. When you start with an illogical premise

    Add illogical support

    You do not wind up with a logical conclusion.


    Yours is one of the silliest posts of the day.

  3. History will show it was a flag operation, i.e. one that was perpetrated by one govt, in this case the US, and blamed on others.

    I know for a fact *experts* were called in to work on 9/10 and placed in locations *other* than the pentagon to work on this AND that all of our defenses were sent to the west coast so that all of those experts were helpless to do anything productive when the attack came.

  4. at this point it's just a guess. that's all you can do. whatever really happened on september 11th may or may not be a conspiracy, and we may not ever know. How many times do you hear about soldiers destroying entire villages in 'Nam? Not very often I assume.

  5. It is not taken as given. In fact, only a small and misinformed minority believe this lie to be true. So it won't play out any differently than it is now, with most people accepting the truth that it was planned and carried out by Muslim fundamentalist terrorists.

  6. " taken as a given........"

    Support that statement with some VALID and VERIFIABLE facts - otherwise, you're going to dismissed as just another kook.

  7. If you eat Fruit loops, you are a cannibal..

  8. I think everyone knows already! Also Iraq is a lie and Bush is a dictator who didn't even get the votes from Florida!  

  9. That you are typing this out in a dark room in your mother's basement is taken as a given... everything else... not so much.

  10. the guys in the white coats say we have to go back in

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