
That horrible taste has resurfaced!?

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I am 38 weeks pregnant and in the beginning of this pregnancy my taste buds were horrible and it went away. I have noticed that in my final months it has come back. Has anyone else had this problem. I brushed the h**l out of my tongue and it made me feel better after I spit up. Don't mean to be to graphic.




  1. I had that in the beginning and now it comes and goes 36 weeks...mine taste like i sucked on a penny! I just chew gum!

  2. Yes!! The horrible taste is back for me too....I just have gum or mints all the time because the taste is so bad it makes me want to gag!

  3. I know how you feel! Everything tastes like metal. Nothing works for me. Brushing, chewing, nothing.  

  4. yeah i had it with my previous two pregnancies. its called dygeusia which is a distorted sense of taste usually metallic. it goes away after a couple of weeks so just hang in there and congratulations...

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