
That is the most important thing in your life?

by Guest59302  |  earlier

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1) List the first four things that you give the most priority in your life.

2) What things you want to give more priority, but your situation doesn't let you for whatever reason.




  1. Family is THE most important...

    My situation allows me to prioritize as I wish.

  2. 1. God

    2. My Son

    3. My Man

    4. My family

    *  I really want to put my health up there because I dont want to die.  But with work, school and a child who has time.  

  3. My husband/family




    I would like to make church more of priority.  You're actually supposed to put God first, and everything else comes second.

  4. Everything boils down to two things, "Pleasure and Treasure".

    Pleasure being s*x, love, family, friendship, etc.

    Treasure being material things, especially the money to buy them.

    There is some overlapping between them.  

  5. : )

    This is my list:

    Priority: My family, my profession, s*x and drink*.

    Situation doesn't let: More sailing, control expenses, more s*x, more drink*.

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