
That link did not work... where can I find a cheap mixer?

by  |  earlier

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I am very curious how to hook up a microphone to my home theater. I am going to be using my home theater receiver and two large outdoor speakers to provide music for an outdoor event, and I need a way to make announcements without having to buy a PA system! Any help would be very much appreciated.




  1. I have been a sound engineer for about 20 years, and I think you should look into renting a small PA system for this event.

    Home stereo equipment does not usually work well for this application (I've tried it).

    If you don't want to rent a system, any small, cheap mixer should connect easily to your home theater receiver.  Use the RCA tape out jacks on the mixer.

    I like the Behringer mixers - they are very cheap and work great!

  2. I agree with D.K.

    Home systems are NOT designed to handle the live human voice.  No matter how much you paid for it or what the brand is.

    Go with a small rental unit.  You'll save a lot of money on repairing the damage to your home system.

  3. Try

  4. Maybe this will help:

    Careers in Television and Video Production: Audio and Microphones

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