
That one from this morning wasn't my usual style. Do you like this better?

by Guest63000  |  earlier

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Scotty & Lottie: IX

Here is part VIII:;_ylt=AiYW1dP2IHTcAPy3osMfGHnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080726074856AAdyz1J

Having had their breakfast cut short, Scotty and Lottie are famished when dusk arrives...

Lottie:Scotty, do you think it's safe to go back? What if she's watching for us?

Scotty: We'll be careful, sis, just grab a quick supper and get out of there.

(In the distance: "Hoooo.....Hoooo.")

L: What was THAT?

S: That was an owl. It's a bird and all it can say is "Who? Who?"

L: I don't believe you Scotty. You're always making stuff up!

S: No! It's true! I saw it on the Discovery channel while you were playing on Yahoo!Answers.

L: Well that's some dumb bird then.

As they quietly much on peas and berries, the owl circles silently overhead.

S: Lottie, ya know what else it said on the Discovery channel?

L: What? (Spotting the owl now.)

S: They like to eat....rabbits!

Just then theowl lets out a long screech and begins his dive.


But Lottie doesn't hear, she's already racing for the den. She hears Scotty's cry behind her, but doesn't dare look back. Terrified, she dives into the den. Moments later Scotty tumbles in behind her, choking and sobbing.

S: M-my TAIL....He g-got my taaaail!

L: Oh Scotty, no! Let me see...(Preparing for the worst.)

S: (Turning around.) Wa-haaaaah!




  1. I love that!!

  2. Now I'm extremely jealous.  Now you can write poems and children's stories.  It is cute and it captured my attention and I'm anyone else's.  You talent is amazing.

    I sent TY a card to cheer him up this morning.

  3. That was so freaking funny.

  4. I don't get it, sorry.

  5. Interesting...cute too =]

  6. Awww.. thats cute....

  7. If this is a children's story, then very cute.

  8. Oh No!  The Bunnies are back!  Hope the tale and the tail end well!

  9. I like it.  Send us more about Lottie & Scotty.

  10. I love Scotty and Lottie. They are so cute and so funny--and they make excellent batbunnies. "...crazy glue and cotton balls..." too funny!

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