
That time of the month during the honeymoon....

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This may sound a little wierd but what and or how do you prevent yourself from having your period while on your honeymoon?




  1. Believe me, if he loves you, he'll do it while you have worries. But, if you feel it's icky, then...if you're on the pill and you take your last "active" pill throw out that pack and start a new one the very next day...that way you're "tricking" your body into starting a whole new cycle. You might have some spotting, but it will go away.

  2. Talk to your ob/gyn.  (S)he may be able to help you effectively and safely.

  3. 1. If you are on the pill, don't take the placebos just go straight into your next pack

    2. If you aren't on hormonal birth control, consider the depo provera injection (some women cease menstration after their first shot)

    3. If you have time, you can get on the pill and there are a couple out there that allow you few or no periods (speak to your doctor)

    Otherwise, it's just a matter of luck and hoping your honeymoon doesn't fall during your time of month (otherwise, intercourse will be messy).

  4. If your on birth control pills, simply skip the week of placebos, and jump right on to the next pack of pills.  You'll skip your period that way.  

  5. If you are on birth control, take only the first three (active) weeks of pills, and instead of going on to the placebo, start a new pack right away.  That is an easy and safe way to skip your period for a month.  If you're not on birth control, what are you waiting for? Lol.

    Best of luck and congratulations!

    EDIT: In response to the poster above me, DO NOT take Plan B!!!  That is an EMERGENCY contraceptive for when you've had unprotected s*x and might be accidentally pregnant, it is harmful to take it if you do not need it!

  6. I had the same problem. I was just getting over mine. Try starting it earlier than your wedding date. About 2 weeks before, start taking hot salt water baths. You will get it earlier. Usually the next day. I used to use salt water baths when I wanted to get it earlier, or if I was late. So two weeks should be about perfect.  

  7. I'm in the same boat ... my period is scheduled for the honeymoon week. I've researched this subject, and I've found that the best way to go about it is to talk to your Gyno. He/she will be able to tell you the healthiest and safest way to skip  your period that week.

    I'm on the pill as well, and I was originally going to just skip my placebo week, but I've read that there's a good chance you'll start to spot, and that's not cool either. I don't want to worry about any of that the week of my honeymoon. So about six months before the wedding, I'm going to my gyno and having her "reschedule" me, so to speak. When I called to ask about it, the office was very understanding, and it's a common problem with brides to be. Your Gyno should do the same with you, but it will involve contraceptives (skipping some), so I hope that's okay with you.

  8. When you vote for the perfect answer, I'll have the answer to that same question.  I had weight loss surgery and before then my period was like clock work.  Because of the hormonal changes, it jumps around every five months or so. I just got it on Sunday which was August 3, and I'm getting married on October 4th!  I'm not on birth control because I'm "fixed", so now now what!?

  9. At most drug stores they sell a product called "Instead".  I will be bringing these along with me on our honeymoon as it will be cutting it close toward the end.

  10. I don't recommend going on a hormonal birth control unless you're already on one.  It messes with a lot of women's hormones and cause side effects.  

    Not the popular answer, I know, but if you've had s*x before (meaning it won't be your first time), there's nothing wrong with having s*x on your period.  I recommend the missionary style, for obvious reasons, and a towel.  

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