
Thatcher's funeral?? The woman isn't even dead yet....

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Isn't all this publicity a bit insensitive regarding whether she should receive a state funeral or not, when she's not even dead yet???




  1. Whoever came up with the idea of a state funeral should be feeling pretty stupid. Why she should be considered is beyond me.... and it has nothing to do with the fact I think she divided the country. As far as I know Churchill was the only commoner to get a state funeral, at least there were good reasons for that decision.

  2. So i guess your going to plan yours once you've snuffed it?

  3. Love her or hate her she is a national figure - People tend to say that she was either the best PM we have had in the modern era or that they can't wait to dance on her grave.

    I think that it is better to get the arguments out the way now before she does die rather than rushing around after she dies.

  4. Well, if she is to be granted a state funeral, it would have to be planned and rehearsed WELL in advance - it isn't something they can just decide on when she finally does peg it.

    That said, Thatcher is a hugely controversial figure and for that reason alone I think a state funeral would perhaps be inadvisable.  

  5. A state funeral would be a complete waste of money as very few people would attend it but I do know there will be quite a few parties on the night of her funeral!   She was the most hated woman in Britain for years and, yes, she destroyed hundreds of communities, thousands of jobs, and many many families.

    She was really keen on privatisation and didn't like the State to pay for things, so either let her pay for her own funeral  or set up a private fund - don't see her getting many donations though.  

  6. stick thatcher and Gordon Brown and Tony Blair in the same hole. they are all the same anyway

  7. she shouldn't get a state funeral she was against the state paying for thing which is why she privatised so many things like british gas etc.

    she shoul pay for her own funeral and not sponge off state hand outs  

  8. Given that she never gave a fig about others lives, the Armed Forces in the Falklands and the Miners spring to mind; why should we give a fig about hers?

    I hope all this talk of her funeral scares the krap out of the old witch!

  9. She has always been dead inside to those with needs. I don't give a toss about the ruthless witch

  10. Who started it?  I haven't read any of the debate, I'm just picking it up from remarks made by people.

    I, personally, hated the woman.....her condescension when speaking to Bob Geldorf (Feed the World contributions to be the subject of tax) made me want to poke my finger in her eye....her voice was like nails down a blackboard and her politics stank and I'll never forget her using the Royal 'We' ...... 'We are a grandmother'.  She truly thought she was the Queen.

    But, do I hold a grudge, 'no' I agree it is insensitve when the poor, misguided woman isn't even dead yet.

  11. Yes, extremely distasteful. Any such discussion should be held quietly behing the scenes, and not in public. All it achieves, probably intentionally, is provide an opportunity for the ignorent Thatcher bashers to voice schoolboy jibes.

  12. I can not even believe we are even contemplating giving a state funeral to a person who done so much damage to this country. She destroyed communities all over the country.

    Ian W I will be doing more than dancing on the old witches grave.

  13. it is a bit insensitive,yes.but,she should have a normal funeral.with her family x friends..she is not royalty,and she was power struck,as prime minister..thats all.mary.c.

  14. Mary C Nothing wrong with being power struck if you aim your power in the right direction Something our Gordon has yet to learn

  15. Yet another ploy by Harridan Harperson to try and deflect attention from the worsening woes of Gordy Broon and the Nu Layber experiment.

  16. She's not dead yet - and the problem is?  I'd happily bury this evil woman alive and dance on her grave!  She caused misery to millions of people in this country - especially in the North whilst her cronies made millions!  We are still suffering from some of her policies now.

  17. They are shipping the old bones out to Chile.

    Guess they anticipate Union complications.

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