
Thatcher: Should the Queen abdicate and let Lady Thatcher take over as the monarch?

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I think Thatcher is just what this country needs at its top level. Much better than the ineffectual Elizabeth II.

She'd grab Gordon Brown by the scruff of the neck and make him sort this mess out as has become this country in recent times.




  1. If it will make you feel happy

  2. You are a d**k.

  3. The woman is in her eighties, just like the Queen, & is not in very good health. I think she could probably do without the hassle.

  4. Margaret Thatcher has no short-term memory because of a series of strokes.  The Queen is in better health than Lady Thatcher, although both are about the same age.  Perhaps, the famous gain stature in retrospect.  Winston Churchill, for example, certainly did.

  5. Since the Queen is only the titular head of state and has no real power it wouldn't matter. That said, making Thatcher monarch would be a terrible move. Read Moore's "V for Vendetta" (not the movie totally different story) for Thatcherite Britain

  6. The royal family in general just suck up good peoples taxes and are a waste of time and space. In that respect the Queen certainly should get out.

    But Thatcher?! If you want this country to turn from economic problems and un-rest to riots on the street, then thatcher is the lady.

  7. Of course not!

    What a waste of Mrs. Thatcher's talents!

  8. Margaret Thatcher is 82 years old and not in the best of health.  Why not abolish it like Nepal just did?

  9. Are you insane?

    1.) Thatcher is just what this county DOESN'T need right now. It's been how long now? And one or two mines have only just started up again!

    2.) That would defeat the object of the Monarchy being a link to our past and a reflection of our family names.

  10. lmao

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