
Thats What She Said....

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wat does it mean wen someone says that?




  1. When my co-worker was getting a trash bag, but there wasn't any left in the box.  Someone asked him, "Well did you actually reach into the box?"

    The co-worker responded, "Yeah, I put my hand in it deep."

    This is the point where I entered the conversation and pronounced...

    "That's What She Said!"

  2. it is a quote from the office...its supposed to be a sexual inuendo

  3. Like when you tell a guy Something about him or somethin and he says thats what she said last night you know he would have f***** her  

  4. ok say someone said 'thats nice' and someone else said 'thats what she said' meaning the s*x is nice its always dealing with s*x you can also say thats what he said

  5. sexual innuendo.. like when you say something and it can be twisted around to sound dirty like a woman said it in bed to you.

  6. exactly what it says

    it's meant to turn a mundane comment into a s*x joke

    for example:

    Person 1: "This hot dog bun is way to big for the hot dog"

    Person 2: "That's what she said"

    i.e: that's what she said while we were in bed together last night

  7. Whenever someone says something that could be interpreted as something sexual.

    For example, (sorry they are not that good)

    Wow, that's a big one.

    That's what she said.

    How long is that?

    That's what she said.

  8. its like a sexual innuendo.


    everythings better when its bigger

    thats what she said.

  9. heres an example, to help:

    someone said, "wow, thats really big!!" (referring to something, like a shopping bag, or a door)

    and someone would say" thats what she said" (last night)

    like a girl was saying a guys thingy was really big...last night.

    get it?

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