
The 10th person gets 10 points if you get this question right!?

by Guest58937  |  earlier

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You and a group of friends are in the library. One friend says there is a $100 bill hidden beetween pages 75 and 76 in a book in the library. You decide not to go look for it. Why?




  1. Page 75 is a right hand page and 76 obviously is on the back of it, so there couldn't be anything between the pages.

  2. Because there is no space between pages 75 and 76.  They're on opposite sides of the same piece of paper.

    Am I caller #10?

  3. Its the same physical page.  75|76

  4. 75 and 76 are on the same page, 75 on front, and 76 on back

  5. odd numbered pages come on the right hand side of a book.

    while even nos on the left side. So, pg 75 is on the right and pg 76 is behind it so there wouldn't be a $100 bill hidden between them and i decide not to go looking for it !

  6. there's no book in the lib.....

  7. im answering this wiht my sister and my dad:

    my sister says: i wouldnt go looking for it either, cuz theres too many books in the library...LOL, shes 15

    my dad says: what book was it in!!!

    i say i wouldnt look for it cuz arent pages 75 and76 the same page?!?!?! front and back!?!?!?

  8. because odd page numbers are on the right side and even numbers are on the left, it is impossible to have pages 75 and 76 facing eachother because they are the same page.

  9. Because 75 & 76 are the same page - front/back.

  10. There are no page found between pages 75 and 76.

  11. 75 & 76 are the same page

  12. the book is on fire!!

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