
The 2 major parties in the UK are more or less the same thing, is it the same in the US

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I know there are some differences, about Iraq and healthcare for example, but are they both, McCain and Obama, essentially part of the same agenda.




  1. Yes and no. They waste money and have the same flaws. They just disagree on a few issues. Well, a lot of issues.  

  2. No, not at all.  The Democrats are trying to turn America into a welfare state like most of Europe. The Republicans believe in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.  And yes, I am buckling down for the hate mail for this this one.

  3. They hold different views on just about everything.  Dems want to raise taxes on the rich and give handouts to the make them more dependent than they already are.  Republicans want to create jobs by making it easier for businesses, taxing them less and so forth.  

    Our media is very democratic (my mother in law was a bigwig in the television industry for 35 years and admits this) and will show more/favorable coverage of the democratic candidate while ignoring the republican or highlighting his mistakes during a speech.  It's frustrating but the silent majority has them figured out!

  4. No. the only "same thing" is that they are serving the nation and its citizens.  

  5. Very likely but at least Obama can speak at least though so that is a plus, we'll see how he deteriorates.

  6. Absolutely true. Just the other side of the same old coin. It is all intended to give the sheeple the illusion that they actually have a choice. The canidates are chosen and brought along for years before they submit them to run for office. The ruling elite have never trusted their ill-educated biased voters to decide anything. It is a kabookie dance.  

  7. Worse and worse to come.

  8. The democrats and republicans are essentially two different factions of the same political party.  In modern American political theory known as the "business party".  That is to say that both of them place the plethora of their focus on business interests, even at the expense of the American people's interests.  They differ on some minor issues like health care, abortions, gun rights etc.

  9. It's much worse in America because the Americans still think they live in a democracy whose mission is to save the world. At least in the U.K we realise that our democracy is a sham and our politicians are worthless double dealing liars. Things are so bad in the U.S. that they actually like Tony Bliar.

  10. Yeah, it's pretty much the same situation as Britain, only here, the Democrats became fully Republicanized by 1992, and in Britain, it took Labour til about 2000 to become Tory-lite.

  11. No. The UK Prime Minister is( for the first time in history) unelected. The elected PM was back stabbed by the current PM and thrown out of office and Parliament. USA political parties are  democratic.  New Labour operates like old Soviet. The Snakes.

  12. I would say it was essentially the same thing. Republicans don't like paying taxes, welfare programs, or control over things like guns or capitalism. They also tend to be older Americans (and therefore more likely to have something to lose from higher taxes) and also are the favored party of Fundamental Christianity, which means Republicans also stick to the bible's take on the issues (no abortions, no g*y marriage, yes to death penalty, etc.) Democrats want welfare programs for everything and tend to be overly politically correct. Yes to abortions, yes to gun control, no to the death penalty, yes to national health care, yes to taxes for the rich. Some far left liberals may even say yes to legalizing drugs. If the political parties were a household, Dad would be the Republican, making you get a summer job and charging you rent if you live with them as an adult. Mom is the one cooking you dinner and sneaking you a couple bucks to buy Doritos.  

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