
The 3 main characters in The Dark Is Rising By Susan Cooper?

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Tell me the 3 main characters and why they are important in the book The Dark Is Rising By Susan Cooper




  1. The entire series is called "The Dark is Rising," and that is also the title of the second book in the series.

    The 2 main characters in this book are Will Stanton and Merriman Lyon.  You could make a case for the 3rd main character being either the Black Rider, the Walker, or the Lady.  The Black Rider is one of Will's first indications that not only is he different, but he may be in danger.  The Walker provides a great deal of conflict and it was his betrayal by Merriman a couple of centuries ago that leads to some of the main events in this book.  And the Lady, of course, is wisest of the Old Ones and teaches Will much.

  2. Will Stanton

    Herne the Hunter

    Arthur Pendragon

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