
The ''BEST'' pregnancy test out there..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok! I'm wondering what the best hpt.. test you all have used is.. I'm 4 days late.. been sleepy, sick, cramping, little bit of spotting, you Name it I've had it.. along with that stupid bfn.. so let me know.. do you think I could be (or just getting my hopes up). so, what worked best for you/friends, and did you have to take many tests.. just let me know.. Thanks!




  1. your best bet would be going to the doctor. Other than that First Response is pretty right on. It does sound like you are pregnant though.  

  2. I always got early, accurate results from Clearblue Easy.

  3. for me its either clear blue or first response both great tests with accurate results

  4. Last time we needed to buy some HPTs, I did some research online and decided that "First Response - Early Result" (non-digital) seemed to be getting the best reviews.


    The ones with the lowest nos are the "best"

  6. First Response. I had accurate result 7 days before I missed my period with both children.

  7. First Response Early Result

    go to

    everything you need to know (and don't) about HPTs

  8. first response early result. Very few false negatives or evap lines

  9. This site is great -- you can check all the brands out there, with both lab and anecdotal data:

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