
The ''peak oil" debate and skyrocketing $ per barrel.Is this a evil conspiracy from the oil executives?

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Is there really a major worldwide oil shortage have we really reached "peak oil"?Oil companys are driving the price per barel higher and higher.Sorry but i just don`t believe we are at "peak oil" i`, thinking theres more than we can imagine,and the oil executives are the true government.




  1. Truth. Proof? Renewables are finally taking hold because, as prices of fossil fuels rise, the replacements become relatively cheaper. Electricity can be produced by wind turbines, now, for only $0.03/kwh. That's competitive and electricity providers are taking advantage of it.

    As for cars, I really prefer a train design that doesn't make everyone stop so only a tenth of them can get off or on. Design a High-Speed, On-the-fly Car-transfer system, finally! That way, the faster rail cars would never stop. But passenger-cars would come up beside them, lock on, transfer cars and nobody has to stop.


  2. It (higher oil prices) is a combination of supply/demand market forces and political constraints on the supply side--specifically a lack of new refineries and restraints on exploration by the political left.

    $3 per gallon is NOT expensive.  Neither is $6 per gallon.

  3. Oh yes, and I bet you believe Bush is hoarding oil to push the price up.

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