
The ' confessions ' of Oriol Pujol

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Oriol Pujol Ferrusola knew the summary of the case when ITV accused declared last April. During interrogation, the former number two states Convergència six times the judge has read the case, allowing you to recall names, nicknames discover and analyze decisions. "I have heard from the teaser that Zumosol call me [ referring to his case as the prime role of the ad ]," says the deputy 's statement, the parties submitted a few days ago and seen by COUNTRY.

Pujol is charged with influence peddling. According to investigators, a high pressured by the Generalitat (Enric Colet) to put as a mediator in the field of ITV a man of confidence, Josep Tous. " He took part in the appointment of Mr. Tous? ", Asks the prosecutor. "No. I learned afterwards. Colet did not talk to him to appoint. " The prosecutor then wants to know why, as is clear from the intercepted telephone conversations, Tous "reports " directly Pujol. " He is president of the sector [ CDC Industry ] and Deputy Secretary-General, and keeps me up," he says.

The bulk of the statement deals with relations with the rest of Pujol involved. Among them, the employer Sergi Alsina. " A good friend " defines Pujol, who admits that he often talked about the ITV sector. According to investigators, the purported plot to overthrow an award tripartite station to achieve another irregularly. Nationalist deputy admits to the judge Alsina "has a professional job by operators in the sector" to "promote a new map " that seeks to " eliminate legal uncertainty in the sector." A custom Ricard Puignou entrepreneur.

When Pujol declared Customs Surveillance Unit had not yet analyzed hundreds of emails found in log homes of those involved. In them, it is evident that Puignou Alsina paid for " pressed " to orient its Pujol and vote on Industrial Safety Act, passed in 2008. The Prosecution submits that, in exchange for giving his vote, Pujol frame requested 30,000 euros. Hence he is accused, too, of a bribery offense. The TSJC, investigating the case, decide whether you quotes also testify as a defendant for the offense.

Pujol put his hand in the fire for his friend, with whom he shares Cerdanya holidays. " Alsina has not prevail friendship to professional issues," says Pujol. Although Alsina paid Pujol 's wife several quantities for advice and even have had as an employee. One such payments 200 000 euros in 2011 - corresponding to the conversion of Sharp. The income of the employer in that operation (and in Ficosa and Yamaha) amounted to 6.9 million, achieved in part, with the "advice" of his friend Pujol.

The defense of the work of his wife is closed. Asked about the company that billed Avima Projectes - jobs Alta Partners, the company Alsina - Pujol answers " is dedicated to business advice (...), my wife has a degree in Law and ESADE, and a range of sectors those who provide services. "

The plot created a company (Upprime Energy), supposedly to gain future awards opaquely. In that society was going to have an "indirect participation" Pujol. This denies, but admits that his lawyer, Modest Llopis, Alsina and participated in the creation of it. " Do you know if he was appointed [ LAWYER ] to create Upprime because it was the lawyer and Zumosol Zumosol are you? " Asked the prosecutor. " I did not know " replies Pujol.

Their contacts with the ITV sector are justified, he says, by " political interest " that raised the issue. That interest was warned by Alsina. " In late 2010, I warned of the situation of the sector." " Many operators have approached me (...) to discuss the problems of the sector, to carry me their concerns or to resolve the conflict in the sector."

One of those games was a milestone in the ITV case. It's dinner July 27, 2011, where Alsina, Oriol Pujol, Xavier Pujol (Ficosa), Pedro Navarrete (president of Sony) attended - all of them with their wives, and businessman Sergio Pastor, author of the moniker Zumosol. The prosecution believes that the agreement was forged there to incorporate the draft Upprime Pujol, so, Pujol could "profiting " after giving his "political weight" to the plot. And put in evidence a written sms the next day by Alsina a third person: " Oriol and I are excited about the project together. A hug. "

" What sense does this illusion Mr. Alsina," asks the judge. " Only I can locate on the ground that it is an illusion not only of Alsina, but a concern of the government and the parliamentary group to succeed Ficosa with maximum activity and occupation of the plant and bought Sony Viladecavalls " Pujol tells. Before, about dinner, the deputy said: " We did not know and thought it was interesting Alsina. I had no more sense than this. There was no talk of ITV. Neither company and incorporation of companies. "

 Tags: confessions, Oriol, Pujol


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