
The 5.2 magnitude Earthquake that shook the Great Plains last Friday...For those of you who experienced it?

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Where were you?

What was it like feeling it?

What did you think while it was happening?

Do you think another one will happen soon in your area?

Do you think this is a warning sign for the "Big One" due in California?




  1. I had fallen asleep on the couch in the family room.  Something woke me.  I heard a big rush of wind down our chimney.  There was a weird rush of wind sound outside and at first I thought it was a tornado, since we also live in tornado alley.  Then the walls started shaking.  I really couldn't feel the floor shake, just the walls.  Nothing was knocked over or broken, but I am 130 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake.  There have been a lot of aftershocks. I have felt four.  So, yeah, I'm scared it's going to lead to a bigger one.  Once the faults get active it seems like it gets worse. Don't know if it can set off anything in CA  I had never heard of this fault line-the Wabash.  It is close and probably connected (?) to the New Madrid fault which is centered near the KY - MO border. It was the one that set off a massive earthquake in 1812(?) something like that, that changed the course of the MIssissippi River.  The land wasn't very populated at that time luckily.

  2. A friend of mine living in Chicago slept through it.

  3. 1. at home asleep- Ohio valley area, then at work for the aftershock

    2. Did not feel it

    3. did not feel it

    4. No

    5. Different geological fault so I really doubt it.

  4. I was in bed (Fishers, IN just north of Indianapolis).

    The whole house was shaking.  Initially it felt like someone was stomping down the hallway at full speed.

    At first I thought it was a tornado (I live in Indiana), but when I looked outside, it was calm and clear.

    We had several aftershocks since Friday.  We could feel one at work a few years ago.  Yes there will be more.  They say there are hundreds each year, but most are small and most do not feel them.

    I dunno about a warning sign, for one due in CA.  It seems like these things are going to happen regardless, so I am not going to worry about it (too much). haha

  5. It happened in my state of Michigan, but I didn't even feel it.  It made news more for its location than the fact that there was an earthquake.  Midwest is much more known for floods and tornadoes.  As for the big one in California.  I really hope it never happens, but the best thing is that we live in America.  As much as people disrepect FEMA, the millitary, and the engineering of our infrastructure.  California is better prepared than almost anywhere else in the world.  I'd worry more about your professional life and love life than when the next big one is going to occur in California.

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