
The AFL are kidding themselves if they think a side will survive on the gold coast do you agree?

by Guest66490  |  earlier

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games that were played up there failed to even fill the ground at cararra with and average of 8,000 people to games played there,nth would do better at arden st,the pig headed lawyer dimetriou has lost the plot and is just paraniod soccer may over take AFL-leave nth in Melbourne and forget about a 17th made up rubbish team-do you agree why/why not




  1. I can't see any team surviving - in their own right - on the Gold Coast. If the AFL do locate a team there I imagine they will have to prop them up & give them many concessions to survive.

  2. the afl will just keep thowing them money if they cant, just so they dont get proved wrong

  3. Yes mate, i agree with you here, they are away with the fairies here.   The AFL have got it all wrong, sure there is a big amount of the population up on the Goldy that are southerners,Vic's mainly if not sydneysiders, but they mainly just have a team to follow, they are not passionate supporters of particular sides as such, on a whole that is. I wouldn't bother, if people loved Aussie Rules so much they wouldn't be living in the land of blonde bimbo's and  men with white shoes, they'd be stuck in Melbourne for the great weather.

  4. This is not about  the AFL surviving at the Gold coast turnstiles with 8.000 bums on seats.Or any other club for that matter.

    It is now about corporate sponsorship.

    Turn your telly on to the Coolum PGA in Q,land. The PGA are not relying on gate takings, they have Hyatt,Emirates etc etc.

    The big companies rely on the TV exposure to advertise their product.

    The AFL need to think on a bigger scale than advertising pies, hot chips,and  don smallgoods and other pissy little companies.

    North Melbourne only survived because of  Bob Ansett in the first place, and this is the way it has to be, because the supporters can watch their team on the TV.

    The time will come when wealthy people like Russell Crowe and company, will purchase the clubs and run them differently.

    Other codes do it, so it won't be long before your favourite club is owned by a Bill Gates, or Oprey Winfrey.

  5. Yes I agree with you 100%. North fans should get off their bums and buy a membership, sell raffle tickets, whatever it takes to keep their great footy club in Melbourne. I would hate the thought of my team moving and would do whatever I could to stop it.  I really dont think the Gold Coast idea will work, and agree with Ray.A that Canberra would have been a much better option if they were going to move. A 17th club, I really don't think we need one.

  6. I Do Not agree

  7. forky what have you learned the last 20 or so years

    the afl will do and spend what ever it takes to make interstate teams success full

    look at the swannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnies and lions dollar after dollar injected into these 2 clubs, wa and sa have the market but the afl just give a soft draw and make sure the umps get them over the line, they cant justify a national game if all interstaters are on the bottom

  8. I'm just thanking God Nth Melbourne are staying out!!!

    What a relief!!!!

  9. I'm worried about the gold coast although I agree it is a major city (metro area) in Australia I just don't see AFL making it there. Having said that the titans had the second best attendance in 2007 but of course it is a league area with a strong nsw v qld vibe from being so close to the border. People were certain that the raiders wouldn't work but as I have said before they still get good crowds even when their team is doing c**p - I thought Canberra was a good option.

    The AFL has done their homework and rejected Canberra for the Gold Coast so they must see potential, I know QLD will very shortly be the 2nd largest state in Australia so they should have 2 teams but.......... I would hate to be the team trying to make it there in the very near future.

  10. I really have to question Andrew's intelligence and motive for creating a 17th team when there are so many struggling teams as is.

    As people have mentioned here, its all about corporate sponsorship deals etc.. and nothing to do with actual football.

    How on earth can the Kangas or any new team for that matter survive moving up north to a state that is Rugby crazy.  Generating new members in a 'smaller' area such as Gold Coast (compared to Brisbane) will be impossible.  

    There is obviously a lot going on behind the scenes that the public aren't being told about.

    Why cant the AFL use the money they would be pumping into a brand new team, to help build the Kangas into a more profitable club and thus ensuring their survival?

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