
The ATP molecule provides evidence for unity within the biosphere because?

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The ATP molecule provides evidence for unity within the biosphere because?




  1. Because all lifeforms on earth use it as an energy source.  Just as all lifeforms use DNA as the basis for storing information.

    (This is excluding viruses, which are not grouped with all other lifeforms on Earth)

  2. ATP is what is known as a high energy phosphate compound. In this we mean that energy in the phosphate bonds can be obtained from the molecule when those bonds are broken ( hydrolyzed ). ATP occupies a somewhat privileged niche in this regard in that it has eneough energy its its bonds to minimize the number of ATPs that must be broken to drive up-hill reactions ..but at the same time   not so much energy that the cell cannot MAKE ATP ( form the energy bonds ) when it needs to do so. ATP is the energy currency of the cell and is spent ( bonds broken ) to provide the money for purchasing expensive ( energy demanding ) synthetic processes. In the carbon cycle plants take radiant energy ( electromagnetic energy ) and convert or "transduce" it into potential chemical energy which is stored in the bonds of glucose . When our cells degrade the glucose by glycolysis , and TCA and respire and make ATP..we conserve a portion of the original sunlight derived energy in the ATP that we then invest in cellular reactions to allow growth, differentiation, reproduction, detoxication, etc . That is why we do not violate the second law of thermodynamics about things tending to disorder..because we are in an OPEN system (constantly receiving energy input) ....the second law pertains to closed systems.

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