
The Alaskan Wildlife Refuge and the War in Iraq. A connection?

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Ever since oil was discovered in Alaska, oil companies have lobbied Congress to open up the entire State, for exploration and development. They have failed. But what happens if you create an oil shortage, by eliminating the 4th or 5th largest exporter in the world? That is what happened when President Bush invaded Iraq. As Lewis Black might rant, Iraq went from producing a lot of oil, to producing a little oil. Maybe Bush and his oil buddies figured if things went as planned, swaying public opinion to drill in the Refuge would be a no-brainer. I refer you to a speech made at the end of the movie, Three Days of the Condor(1975), delivered by Cliff Robertson, to Robert Redford. In a crisis, the people wont ask, they'll demand the government go out and get the oil, that's what he says.




  1. Sudan oil connection as well. Were Solar Power made use of in  other places like The Sahara Wars there and connections to Californian ,Arizonian, and Nevada Solar Power could be found. Africa could be wealthy or at least have more money with Solar Power. Same with U.S.A.

  2. Bush (at a press conference):  The Iraq people are taking back Iraq.

    Cheney (backstage to an aide):  Whoa... just the country not the oil right?

    I think Bush had a number of political and "personal" reasons to invade Iraq.  I don't think drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was on the short list of "benefits".  I think this just happen to be a side perk to the goals of his administration and for his oil industry buddies.

    Thanks to the Democrats taking the House (and the Senate for all practical purposes) drilling in the ANWR is now dead politically and would face tremendous legal hurdles even if it did somehow start to become a reality.


  3. I think it is time to lose the oil habit all together. Instead of cloning people why don't they use the money they receive to create something to keep America moving. That would profit everyone not the few.

  4. In my opinion, America did not invade Iraq to curtail Iraq oil production, and it did not go there to "take" its oil either.  We invaded Iraq because Hussein was planning to take over the entire gulf region and control the world's oil supply.  Yes, the war was about oil, but not about US control of oil but about the potential loss of our supply.  Without oil, America will be put back into the stone age.  We will use the ANWR reserves some day, once we have exhausted the rest of the world's supply.

  5. Too bad we can't just do it the easy way and get better fuel economy and use more clean, solar and wind and hydrogen.

  6. I think that the Bush administration and the oil companies did hope that the Irayq war would have the effect of creating pressure for opening ANWR.  But--as you have noted, it failed. And now, the American eopleare mch moreaware that we only get 10% of our oil from the Mideeast.  Plus, any pretense tha tthe oil companies aren't manipulating the market and the supply of oil is pretty much a joke now.

    Another fact--we've moved past tehe stage where the oil companies can continue to block action on changing our energy policy that has forced America to stay dependent on foreign oil. Quite aside from the critical environmentlaal issues, reducing the amount of oil has become an economic necessity. Congress has already made some preliminary moves in this direction.  

    So, while I don't dispute your scenario--its not going to happen--things have changed too much, politically and economically.

  7. Of course there's a connection. Some of us are getting a little smarter & catchin on to Bush's lies. He's been lying to us since the attack on Iraq began in 2003. Kinda like his recent trip to Iran & Dubai..what do you think those countries have a whole lot of??? Iran because of Dubai, one of the richest countries in the world & there wealth came from what??? Our Mr. Bush was securing his interests. Yes, he had the idea of drilling in the ANWR but it got stopped. We have plenty of oil reserve but there's no way Bush will allow that to happen. Those oil wells in Iraq didn't just catch on fire on their own. Our Leader already had his goons over there & that is how they caught fire. He never will be able to sway the public opinion his way on the ANWR. I saw Three Days of the Condor & the funny thing is, they mentioned it on the news earlier this evening. How coincedental is that? There is so much corruption coming to the surface about the war in Iraq it's sickening. Killing all those soldiers for what??

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