
The American Indian Nation people are citizens of the United States and their land part of the United States?

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The American Indian have their own laws and their own land here in the United States, do they pay property tax, income tax and do they partipate in our American government




  1. who knows and who cares

  2. They DO NOT have their own laws. They like anyone else are subject to state, federal and local laws. Some tribes have their own court system but the laws are based on the above. They DO pay federal income tax but not state. They do participate in the government. For example.....I worked in our county seat and the Native Americans applied for liquor licenses just like the taverns off the reservations. The same rules applied for their approval. They were also subject to closure for any breech's of conduct of the license. As far as property tax the federal government pays the locality for their tax burden in subsidies to the schools and local governments such as police. Now several tribes have casino's and pay a large portion to the state for their " Compacts ". They pay believe me.

    Yes they are citizens.

  3. "American Indians" became citizens of the United States in 1924.  Prior to 1924 we were only citizens of our tribal nations and NOT Americans.  However, since becoming citizens of the United States, we can vote in US elections and are required to pay taxes and follow federal, state and local laws EXCEPT on reservations.  On reservations only federal and tribal law apply.  State law does not apply on tribal land unless the tribe has made an agreement with the state.  'Local' law is tribal law on reservations.  As far as taxes go, off reservation we pay all of the same taxes as everyone else: property, sales, income, etc.  On the reservation only federal taxes apply.  Again this is because reservations are not subject to the state or off-reservation towns or cities, just federal and tribal law.

  4. What's your question?

  5. No because the have Sovereignty rights so USA cannot touch them but the leaders have agreed the wouldn't retaliate for what was done to them.

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