i have no idea why they called him for ..
i applied for an american unvi online long distance learning i took 10,000$ from his credit card but he changed his mind and took it back from the unvi , that was weeks ago ..
i did sigh up for this fall semster in that unvi but they want me to send a financial gartnee which i dont have YET ! so theres no reason for my unvi to contact the embassy here in saudi arabia.
i never regiser in their website (i mean the america website) but i have checked it before just readin the rules n everything.
i never even applied for an interview there .
but i have put my name/number in a green card lottery website not the official one tho . they called me asked me for a credit card but i didnt give them and that was IT !!
i went once to the america embassy ask for an acadmic advicer,they gave me acard, called them later on left my number, called me later three times didnt answser cause i was sleepin, called me a week later, answered,