
The Andalusian government claims to aid two other UGT 1.8 million

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Andalusian has initiated four procedures to reinstate subsidies to UGT to find irregularities in the justifications. In total, the claim for such aid amounted to EUR 3.6 million program between 2009 and 2010.

A week ago, the Ministry of Economy launched two proceedings for recovery of the amount of 1.8 million and related to two grants of 2009 and 2010. The autonomous government Thursday announced the start of two more, also for $ 1.8 million. In the latter case the irregularities found in the funds that came to the UGT in Andalusia Autonomous Guidance counseling program to find employment, also for 2009 and 2010.

The start of these procedures does not mean that, automatically, the union must return those 3.6 million euros to the regional coffers. Sources suggest that UGT have 15 days to claim, ie, to present the rationale for how the grant money was used. But the center has a major problem to make such arguments: the file its regional headquarters located in Seville city, is sealed by the Civil Guard for a little over a month ago.

In addition to research on the use of funds that are performing the Board, which analyzes 19 cases -the Mercedes Alaya, head of the Court of Instruction 6 Seville, magistrate has opened a cause that affects the management of the union in recent years, which is under a gag order. Within this judicial inquiry, the judge ordered the registration of the regional headquarters of UGT in mid- December last year. And since then, the files of the workers and Andalusian UGT leaders as " the submarine" - known center - are sealed by the judicial police.

The union has asked the investigating judge to allow you to access that file. Sources claim that the central need to come before the Board to present the allegations against reinstatement procedures have been initiated. In addition, the regional government has been asked to extend the deadline for these claims. In the first two records, the 15 -day meet next week, according to the same union sources. Regarding reimbursement procedures, the Regional Government maintains that its action will be restricted to "determine the law firm " of the Board.

The regional government has opened 19 cases Aid UGT, including four for 3.6 million. Nine of them affecting the Directorate General of Industrial Relations of the Ministry of Economy. In the Directorate General of Occupational Safety and Health have opened six procedures " involving the development of outreach activities and awareness on prevention of risk." Moreover, this service is no " one for the year 2012 in which the beneficiary has waived a claim for the grant record," stated the Board, which does not clarify the amount of that aid will not be effective. Finally, the Andalusian Employment Service has initiated four records.

On the other hand, in the case of the ERE, the judge Mercedes Alaya quoted Thursday as defendants two of the children of businessman Jose Maria Ruiz- Mateos, Javier and Pablo. Be declared on January 31.

 Tags: 1.8, aid, Andalusian, claims, government, million, UGT


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