
The Anti Fascists n***s are trying to stop freedom of speech to the BNP, How can we stop anti social behavior?

by Guest56487  |  earlier

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OK, so, those that support these anti free speech n***s did not like me informing this forum of the n**i style of harassment being dished out to the BNP. So you managed to get me wiped, you should really be proud of yourselves doing your bit for these n***s. I thought Oxford beat all but you won' quell free speech that way. Throwing missiles at the police is wrong and beating up BNP members because the BNP don't like what is happening to their country is outrageous. A BNP member is the average Mr, Mrs & Ms on the street not the minority Liberal community that runs this country

Source: 'Mail on Sunday' page 43




  1. we've got enough problems to deal with, without these racists in disguise.  we definitely need a change in politics, but they are not the answer.  

  2. I would describe them as Anti-Fascist Fascists. They bleat on about free speech but only when it's the free speech they like and want people to hear.

    Funny how some of them were arrested and locked up, rather hypocritical if you ask me considering these sandal wearing, Guardian readers label anyone who oppose their views as "violent, knuckle dragging thugs". They then resorted to the very actions they deplore about the BNP, fooking idiots. So much for intellectualism eh?

  3. I do not understand this question.

    I've never heard of "anti-fascist n***s" before.

    Who did Oxford beat?


    Ummm...isn't the BNP just a step away from fascism itself?

    Man, you British are weird.

  4. It's over a month since I answered any questions. How can a minority be in charge of a country that is run democratically. Surely if the majority all voted for a far right organisation, then that party/organisation should be in government?

    I quite agree with you Monk, that the BNP should be given a free platform to talk about their policies, which as of 19th August 2008 include,

    1. making our Armed Forces a volunteer/semi-professional force by re-introducing conscripts

    2. forcing children to attend a Christian assembly (my child has been brought up agnostic/atheist)

    3. bring back the death penality, which doesn't act as a detorant, plus we have too many miscarriages of justice, even with DNA evidence!

    4. bring the agriculture sector to it's knees (even more so than New Labour) by making farmers convert 100% to organic farming (a fantastic idea, but one that would cripple farming and food prices)

    5. well, the list goes on, you get the idea!

    EDIT: Monk, that is why we need more people voting for an independent MP. Get away from back slapping party politics (regardless of left or right leaning). Make politics more accountable!

  5. can't reply a n**i is /was a facist sorry to say you don't make sense

  6. Buh?

  7. I believe 'n**i' is the wrong term, the n***s were racist... those trying to stop the racism cannot, therefore, be categorized as n***s....  

  8. those protesters are a bunch of hypocritical morons; BNP councillors are democratically elected, and these people oppose them more than they oppose terrorists and illegal immigrants. i would just give up on the UK and go abroad, it's finished.

  9. Uh, n***s were Fascists.

  10. Hey Man, I am with you all the way... I vote BNP every year, and I am sure they get more votes than most but the 'society' won't publish them as they are, as then they would have to make it public that really, a very high percentage of the UK actually want the BNP in.

    I hate what is happening to the UK, its wiping out a race of people and it has to stop, now before it gets too late.

  11. I think the so called ´anti-fascists´ have scored an own goal in terms of publicity.  As you rightly say, they are using violence in an attempt to intimidate people from legally expressing themselves.

    I think the BNP got it right, therefore.  They have generated much favourable publicity whilst 35 of these morons have been arrested, I believe.

    I suggest those who call the BNP fascist first define it.  George Orwell found that hard, read his essay entitled What is Fascism?

  12. Your rant is so full of contradictions and so lacking in logic that I don't think you deserve serious consideration.

    "A BNP member is the average Mr, Mrs & Ms on the street not the minority Liberal community that runs this country"- if this is truly the case how do you account for the woeful results the BNP show in elections in this country?

  13. Anti Fascist n**i? Just for a laugh, google the word "oxymoron"

  14. Violence is wrong.  Even if it is against the BNP.

    Regarding freedom of speech, it is an interesting point as I have been blocked by many BNP members who wish to infringe my freedom of speech.  As you can see with me, I do not do the same to BNP sympathisers.

    The BNP have the right to have a festival, and that right should be respected.  When anyone wishes to prevent the BNP from expressing the views they have (as abhorent as they are) they are being just as bad as the n**i's of 1930's Germany.

  15. The fact you are saying the BNP are the opposite of the "n***s" in all the other parties actually made me laugh for a good while.

    Please, oh please, get an education.

    As for the BNP being the best party, please look up the history of the (thankfully) few BNP council members. The majority are either convicted criminals (sometimes whilst in office!), thugs, or too stupid or lazy to understand or be bothered with what is going on. If you believe for one single second that the BNP will be better than any other political party you really need to take a reality check.

    In my opinion the BNP should be allowed to spout their bile as much as they like; that's the very best way for people to understand what ignorant thugs they are.

  16. Education of the young and suitable sentencing for crims.  But New Labour have done their best to let crims off lightly and fail to tackle bad behaviour.  Teachers, police and parents have been ham-stringed by New Labour.  The BNP still has a bad image, but they have a right to hold meetings. The EU has 70,000 working in Brussels to undermine our rights. New Labour are working with them. I am sick of illegal war and my country being turned into a dustbin....

  17. Anti Fascist n**i is a contradiction in terms.

    If you believe the BNP will be open you may as well consult the fairies at the bottom of your garden

  18. The behaviour of the people who demonstrated against the BNP by throwing stones at the police, just proves that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!  These are the people who use violence and discriminate against free speech by denying it to whosoever happens to disagree with them.

    I  say those people are an affront to a democratic society and they should be locked up to ponder on their own actiions

    God save us, what is Britain coming to?  Are these people as voiciferous and violent in their condemnation of banner waving thugs who proclaim death to Christians? I dont think so.

    In this country freedom of speech is available to everyone and the people who seek to deny this are themselves guilty of fascism.

    Keep the questions coming Red!

  19. You are basically talking about free speech and you are right about these interlopers they are anti social thugs that should be locked up.

  20. I guess this is the article you refer to, Red?

    Like you, I condemn absolutely the use of violence in the pursuit of a political end, but can we aim for a little accuracy here?

    Let's agree to take the Mail on Sunday as a fair report (against my better judgment!).

    This was a minority. 40 out of 700 demonstrators clashed with police. They do their cause no good whatsoever. I have always said that it is far more effective to let the BNP have their say - they condemn themselves out of their own mouths far more effectively than silencing them could do. There were 6 arrests - let's hope they are dealt with appropriately by the law.

    But where does the article mention the SWP? Or do you just 'know' that one. And can you substantiate your claim that the SWP is the military wing of the Labour Party? Or is this something else that you just 'know'?

    Since you are happy to accept the authority of the Mail as a news agency, what about these?

    The reality of the BNP is that they are just the old racist National front, hiding behind a few shiny suits. They still have the racist thugs and bully boys waiting in the wings.

    I know that this photo is nearly twenty years old, but it tells you what you need to know about Nick Griffin.

  21. Would you offer this right of 'free speech' (who has that any more!) to those whos skin is a different colour?  Would you give them that right before or after you terrorise them out of the country?  

  22. I presume you're a member of the BNP.  Please pass on this advice to your fellow members before you act on it personally.  You will stop antisocial behaviour by killing yourself.

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