
The Apprentice- Doesn't it just reveal what ghastly people gravitate to the business world?

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The Apprentice- Doesn't it just reveal what ghastly people gravitate to the business world?




  1. No more than any other jobs/roles (I can point to equally idiotic people in so-called public service).

    What it has done is shown me how good a businessman Alan Sugar is though - and what good people he has working with him in the likes of Margaret and Nick. They are the real stars of the show.

    As an entrepreneur running my own business, I'd hire them any day of the week!

  2. Luckily they tend to get fired - so it also shows how not to behave in the business world. Some folks still do though.

  3. I can't believe these people are supposed to have business acumen!

    I could do those tasks better than them.

  4. No, not really.  This programme is just a snapshot of life - there are the good and there are the bad.

    Remember the producers are making a TV programme and are after high ratings.  They have to provoke comment and the people they select to appear are chosen for the very reason that they are likely to do so.  They all have seem to have over inflated egos.

    If you think back to the Big Brother House with contestants such as George Galloway, Jade Goody, Shilpa Shetty - all carefully selected so that they would, as individuals react to a given situation.  Not necessarily good TV, but certainly thought provoking.

    The fact that the Apprentice has even inspired a question here on Answers proves just that very point.

  5. I can think of no arena that those people on that show/circus could succeed in. Ghastly indeed.

  6. Not really.  It might show the kind of people who want to be on TV shows, but most of the business people I have met are not like that.  They work hard, and they tend to their businesses.  Some are also very involved in their community by donating time, money, and goods to causes they support.  Some sponsor races, or scout troops, or efforts like Habitat for Humanity, for example.  Some work on a more personal basis, maybe by extending credit to the family where one parent lost a job.  But because this doesn't make it to your TV screen, you probably don't notice it.

    The next time you see some sort of community event, look for logos on the ads, or on the T-shirts, or in the banners and so forth.  If it says "Sponsored by...", then this is an example of what I'm talking about.  Stop watching TV, and keep your eyes open, and you will probably notice some of these.

  7. Yes, the more successful, the more ghastly it would seem. But, that is just the artificial world created by TV. That isn't to say, however, that these people don't exist in the real world, they certainly do.

  8. Yeah it really does

    Did you see what they did to Sara when she got back to the house... That was bad

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