
The Ascended Masters?

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Where does the idea come from? Is there any element of truth in it? It's for research, so no daft answers please. Thanks. :)




  1. I see similarities between the doctrine of ascended masters and the ancient tradition in Judaism of mortal humans who do not die but rather - Not Passing Go - head straight to heaven. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Elijah and a few others didn't die, but just floated off into the wild blue yonder. (See Wikipedia link below.)

    In modern times, the term "Ascended Master" was first used by Madame Blavastsky and her crowd to describe a bunch of formerly human beings which were supposed to be hovering around the earth and helping all us poor, ignorant mortals scrabbling around in the dirt to advance spiritually. Since Blavatsky's dogma was supposedly the most advanced spiritual knowledge hitherto sold, it followed these quasi-divine beings must be directly responsible for the teachings of Theosophy.

    The official line was that it was the AM's - not the enlightened but merely human Madame B and her successors - who were _really_ in control of the Theosophists; the Blessed Elena and those who took over running the shop after her passing allegedly were merely channels for the timeless wisdom of Theosophy which flowed like a limpid stream from the disembodied minds of the Ascended Masters.

    In practical terms, of course, it's makes life so much easier for religious leaders when followers buy into the idea that the source of Wisdom can be contacted only by the Enlightened Ones who hold the reins of power.

    Whether you believe there is any element of truth in the concept of Ascended Masters probably largely depends on whether you believe:

    1) That a consciousness can survive death.

    2) That any consciousness in that state really cares anymore about what's happening here.

    3) If you think that the information passed on by "channellers" and similar performance artists has any basis in reality or if it's all either symptomatic of a psychological pathology or a performance by a manipulative personality.

    John Michael Greer in his "Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Hidden History" cites an American, Guy Ballard (1878-1939) - who wrote under the pen name of Godfré Ray King - as a significant influence in Ascended Master teachings.

    Ballard claimed that his teachings were received from the legendary Comte de Saint-Germain and other AMs on the slopes of Mount Shasta. Ballard founded an organisation called the I Am Activity. While that organisation fell apart due to internal politics after Ballard's death, Greer claims the teachings have survived in various organisations and the doctrines propounded by Ballard exerted a largely unacknowledged influence on 20th Century American culture, not least because it is not generally seen as occultism.

    Greer states that those who follow Ascended Master teachings often hold very conservative social and political views and are fervently patriotic, maintaining that the United States of America was brought into existence by Ascended Masters in order to fulfil some cosmic plan. Most of these people call themselves Christians, but revere Jesus as the highest Ascended Master rather than a Deity incarnate.

  2. I first read the concept in the writings of Helen Blavatsky... from which it evolved and was brought into The Golden Dawn, and even some branches of modern Wicca and Thelema. I personally accept the idea.  

  3. As usual Tahuti is on the money.

    It became public in the writings of Madame Blavatsky (though some have argued that the Rosicrucian Order may have consisted soley of Ascended Masters) and then filtered into numerous occult groups from there. The idea itself though is exceedingly old and has ties with various Priesthoods.

    The saying goes not to seek them but through a life of sincere study, purity and devotion they will seek you.  

  4. The idea comes from ancient tales of mortal men becoming as gods after they usually drunk the philosopher's stone or walked threw the flame of the gods. After this transformation occurred they were revered as ascended masters.
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