
The Australian Republic...?

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What do you Monarchists think?




  1. I'm a British Monarchist who believes Australia fairs better as it is with a monarch . But it is up to the people i seem to remember in the last referendum it came out in favour of keeping the status quo.

  2. Who will the new idea write about now?

  3. I am not a Monarchist but why should we become a republic?

    Things are just fine the way they are.

  4. In an ABC interview Federal Opposition Leader, Brendan Nelson said he is against Australia becoming a republic and does not think it should be on the political agenda. "I mean the real priorities at the moment are petrol, groceries and home loan interest rates and making sure small business can survive."

    And as someone who is depending on public transport, I should add that the misery of the train service is appalling and cries for an immediate solution. The agony of Melbourne's public transport is effecting hundreds of thousands of people while the absence of an Australian republic means, a millionaire is denied buying his/her way into the job.

    I am a royalist/constitutional monarchist not out of some nostalgic love of a long gone British Empire but for simple fact that a constitutional monarch provides a stable and bipartisan head of state as well a sense of continuity that republican forms of government struggle to find.

  5. why would we change something that is as good as it gets,other countries would love to have what we have (proper democracy)not the shambles of lets say usa,south africa,russia,etc ,they have no one to turn to if the pollies decide to do the wrong thing(which is very dangerous)the monarch of the time is there to protect the people against these power hungry people whether they be labour or conservative,dont be so quick as to abandon the best system there is and become something that i think most australians will regret later,"so dont be fooled people"

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