
The Aztec calendar ends in four year.?

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what do u think will happen on December 21 2012? tell me what u think cause y would god let the aztecs see when the world end? to tell i think its will be a new start in a new age.




  1. I don't think the world is going to end. Astronomers &Scientist would say our Sun is in the dieing stages of its life. I think really, if the Aztecs are right, it will be a start of a new age.

  2. Probably the same thing that will happen when our calendar ends on December 31, 2008. We'll all go buy a new calendar.

  3. The Aztec calendar does not end on 21/12/2012, what ends is one of the longest cycles of the Aztec calendar. We are in the 5th long cycle. 21/12/2012 will be the last day of the 5th cycle and 22/12/2012 will be the first of the 6th.

    Aztecs believed that events occurred periodically according to their calendar. So if a flood happened at the 3/5th of the 33rd small cycle, they expected a flood to repeat itself at the same time in the big cycle. They are known to have expected the return of a legendary leader at about the time when Cortes arrived. There are, however, no known big events that are supposed to happen at the beginning or at the end of a big cycle. There has been however many recent fabrications around that myth.

  4. Someone give me more proof and maybe I'll believe it.  But the end of some ancient civilization's calendar is not enough to convince me.

  5. First, it's the Mayan calendar, not the Aztec calender.

    Second, the calendar does *not* end in 2012, it merely starts over again.  The calendar is cyclic.  Kind of like an analog clock that ends the day at 1:59:59pm, and starts up the next day at 12:00:00am.


  6. Some will die and some will continue to live. If you mean will it be the end of the world as we know it is uncertain. Christian scripture declares that certain things have to come to pass first. A one world political system has to come into effect and fail. Two persons (witnesses) have to preach the word of God for 1260 days world wide. During which time the anti-Christ has to appear (someone with out lineage), the two witnesses will be killed by him, and three days later come to life before Christ returns. Then the world as we know it will end.

  7. That will be the 3,600 year and then the coming of Nibiru.

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