
The BBC's output has become increasingly irrelevant to me, so why should I be compelled to buy a licence?

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The BBC's output has become increasingly irrelevant to me, so why should I be compelled to buy a licence?




  1. I agree about the dismal quality of programming and it gets dumber and dumber every year.

    A tax on TV? How do they get away with it?

  2. Because that is the law that you are compelled to obey.Otherwise sell off yer tv set then you wont have to pay

  3. We live in a country where there is at least one television channel which doesn't have to pander to the lowest common denominator to get its audience, and thereby its revenue.  For this privilege, each household has to pay a relatively small amount.

    If you travel to other countries, you'll soon realise how highly regarded the BBC is around the world.  The programmes we take for granted are considered very high-brow in America.

    Or is that your point: the programmes aren't "entertaining" enough for you?

  4. They're   not  going  to   give  up  that  licence  fee  money without  a  fight.  Looks  like  you'll  have  to give  up  the  tv  though.

  5. That sounds like a good argument

    Who can that be knocking on the door?

    I'm sure the judge will understand

  6. I can't answer it as I agree totally with you... BBC tax for the TV

  7. theres no escaping it, we need a television but cant have one without the licence,  tv is disgraceful bbc c**p, the morning news on bbc and itv asking people to send in their pictures of events.  get of your arses and go out and get the stories thats what they're paid for. itv quiz call glitter ball how the h**l they havent lost their broadcast licence beggars belief. channel 4 late night poker.  i may as well stare at a blank wall it would be more interesting that the c**p thats on nowdays.

  8. If, as I do, you only use BBC for news and documentary information, it might be worth considering selling your TV and thus avoiding payment of the extortionate licence fee.  The monies saved could be used to buy a decent laptop and broadband connection which would enable you to reach this information from a broader range of providers via the internet.  

    Sports which are generally provided at even greater expense through other suppliers because the BBC failed in their bid to their screening rights can be enjoyed down the pub with a large number of friends also far more cost-effectively.  

    This activity also has the moral advantages of helping local businesses thrive and keeps local unemployment figures down, especially in the food and drink retail sector.  

    By boycotting home TV, should you happen to get slightly 'over-refreshed' and commit some form of anti-social crime on the way home from the pub, at least you will also avoid the embarrassment of seeing yourself reported in a far from savoury manner on the local BBC news this way too.

  9. I have no TV or radio & pay no licence. Fair?

  10. You're best thinking of it as a TV tax, because that's what it is in practice.

  11. You're buying a license to USE TV receiving apparatus - NOT to watch the BBC ! ! !

  12. here here!!

  13. its law, its unfair but thats life im afraid

  14. In relation to the US TV programs believe me the BBC put out great television! And the TV licence is worth the money. Alot of BBC program are coming over here in the States at the moment!

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