
The BC lions, are they the best team in the CFL?

by Guest34213  |  earlier

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How can you say no after how they dominated the whole season and won the grey cup, I mean seriously folks...




  1. They are the best team in the CFL for 2006. They had the best

    regular season record, and won the Grey Cup.  No other team in the CFL has a stronger claim than the Lions do right nowfor being the best CFL team.

  2. no the argos are the best team in the cfl. no doubt. its just bad luck that they didnt win the gray cup

  3. NO

  4. On Sunday they were...however, that is already in the past.  I would suspect they won't be repeating this championship, though, so I certainly couldn't argue they are close to the Eskimo and Alouette teams in the 70s and early 80s as the best team ever in the league.

  5. They're the best.

  6. How can you say no when the best team is the one that wins the Grey Cup period dominance aside. Boring question. 2 pts.

  7. When you win the Grey Cup you are the best team in the CFL for that year.  That is what it is all about!!

  8. The past season, yes they were. But this past season and Grey Cup were the worst ever also.

  9. Yes....

    Congratulations for the Grey Cup, from Mexico.

    What happened to the >Argonauts?

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