
The Back Peddling Manager.. Was this the proper response?

by  |  earlier

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Our company had been having financial issues like many. But our company is a nation wide corporation.. make a difference..

None the less, our senior manager made it very very very clear that we are NOT TO HAVE OVERTIME! Despite some employees working and not claiming it.. ( our work can not always be done in a 9-5 kind of day.

One of my employees came to me and stated.. "someone has changed my payroll. I had 3 hours of overtime last week and not it's gone" I reveiwwed this and sure enough it was gone. The employee said.. "XXXXXXX has been sued in the past and lost over this.. you think they would learn from that!" It was true our company lost millioins due to inapropriae tampering of records!

I took my employee to the Senior Manager who all of sudden stated "over time is allowed with approval".. So with that being said and with the employee in presence I made an announcement of this at our next meeting.

Back Peddling? Untruthful? Corrupt?




  1. Welcome to Corporate America.

  2. sounds like UK too.

    How often do they make a decision without thinking it through. Back peddling, untruthful, corrupt - no just a numpty!

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