
The Battle of Gettysburg;?

by  |  earlier

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What branch of government was it in? Or, did it have a legislative, judical, or executive impact?




  1. Sounds as if your teacher made a typo.

  2. That's kind of a strange question. I wonder how much your teacher really understands about not only the battle itself, but the Civil War in general, because the question can be interpreted in so many ways.

    First, Gettysburg was the high water mark of the Confederacy. A Union defeat at Gettysburg has been hypothesized as one that would have broken the back of the Union war effort. In the months leading up to the battle, the Army of Northern Virginia was enjoying many successes against Union forces, and Lincoln's political opponents were gaining strength with every Union defeat. In THAT respect, the Confederate loss at Gettysburg was a major political boost to Lincoln and his Republican base, and allowed him more breathing room from the Copperhead/Democratic base in order to continue prosecuting the war. That could certainly be interpreted as a boost to the executive branch.

    I think that a better way of asking this question would have been for your teacher to ask you to explain how the battle's outcome affected Lincoln's political standing at the time. I cannot surmise how the battle had any direct effect on the legislative or judicial branches. It was "Mr. Lincoln's War," and his fortunes rose and fell with it.

  3. I don't understand what you're asking.

  4. As a student of history who has spent many hours learning the tactics, politics, and methods of both sides of the War Between the States, I can honestly say: Huh?

  5. I have NO reasonable answer to this question. If I had a couple of bottles in my system.....I bet I could maybe fabricate one. Maybe your teacher had the same influence when the question was asked. Maybe I need another cup of coffee and check back on this question.

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