
The Best Way To Start Fresh?

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I'm A 14 Year Old Girl. I've Just Stopped Self Harming, And I Still Have A Mild Depression, Which I Think Will Always Be There. I Really Want To Turn Over A New Leaf And Start Fresh. I've Painted My Room And Had A Major Clear Out. What Else Can I Do To Help Make A Fresh Start?




  1. Well done on stopping, how did you manage it? i've been trying for years but keep slipping up. Maybe you could take a course learning a new language or something, or start a hobby perhaps a sport you've always enjoyed - that might even help with the depression with all thoses endorphins rushing around.

  2. just relax, forget about the past and just move on with your life, try to get rid of the marks from self harming, that may help, if you ever feel like you need to self harm, call someone, IM someone, heck, you could even IM me if you want, but be proud you stopped, not many can, just forget that part of your life and move on, i'm 14 also, going into 9th grade and in the process of forgetting my entire 7th grade life, lemme just say, that was not my favorite year, but it's behind me now and that's all that matters, rite? you can also get a hobby, origami, maybe an instrument or language, maybe riding a unicycle!!! (i'm working on that one:D) anything you want, again, cutos, or congrats, or whatever on not cutting anymore

  3. take it one day at a time, its the best way! that way u will never get mad at urself, and you know you can always have a fresh start xx

  4. How about starting a new hobby? Learn a new skill, especially something where you will meet new people.

    Do you see a therapist? Is it possible for you to see one? It might help with the new start. or if you don't feel you need that, maybe self-help books, I've always felt reading a good book helps keep me motivated.

    Start taking regular exercise, if you don't already, exercise boosts your mood. You could combine this with getting a new hobby, by learning a new sport, should boost your confidence.

    Maybe start really pampering yourself and looking after your body. Use a really nice moisturiser, for example, take care of your skin, and hopefully help discourage you from self harming again.

    Try and do some volunteering, where you could meet new people and help other people at the same time. Helping others who need you can help you to focus outside of yourself, as well as build your confidence.

  5. Fixing up your room is a great start. Everyone needs a place that feels safe and comfortable. I don't believe you will always feel bad. Life is full of cycles and you are going through one. I believe that good nutrition, vitamins, exercise, adequate sleep, and hobbies or interests really help a person feel better. Sometimes helping someone else does wonders too. Maybe you could volunteer at the local animal shelter, at a hospital or nursing home? Best wishes to you dear!

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