
The Bible Teaches us That Atheists & Non-Believers Are Going to h**l. Does This Concern Some Of You Folks?

by Guest59608  |  earlier

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If it don't then it probably should. Are you concerned? My Pastor thinks we should turn more people to Jesus by requiring Bible Studies and mandatory prayer sessions in the public school system. What do you guys think we should do?




  1. Does your pastor know what name you post under?

  2. Who ever reject Jesus teaching will go to h**l. We Muslim believe this. But, is Christianity Jesus religion? Not at all.  

  3. Mandtory prayer sessions in public school.  Not.  Requiring Bible study.

    How about this!  Offering those who choose to pray no hassle, and offering Bible study as an elective!  Besides a good many Christians don't want their kids in public schools.  Jesus is real, and He saves.  Jesus however is pro choice and that includes the issue of Salvation!  It however breaks His heart when one chooses the world though!

  4. No, it doesn't concern me. I don't see enough evidence that the Bible is factually true in order to worry.

    As far as your pastor's wishes, he is wanting to violate the U.S. Constitution. I think if your church wishes to spread the word on their own time, great; however, you do not have the authority to use my tax dollars to do it.

  5. Better inform your pastor that he is preaching an impostor gospel. "Christ died for our sins" comes from Paul/Saul, who was rather active in terrorizing the people who accepted the Kingdom Gospel Jesus preached. (Acts 7:58 to 8:3)

    This will explain how Bible verses are being manipulated:

  6. I think you might be a troll.

  7. An Atheist who lives a good life has a better chance of getting into heaven than a Christian who constantly sins.

  8. I would be concerned if there was any reason to suspect that the Bible was a trustworthy source of information about God.  However there is an incredible lack of evidence for it's claims and massive amounts of evidence that it is just wrong.  Until you can come up with objective, empirical evidence, your assertion is just that.

  9. I'm concerned that millions of people believe that "God" is such a sadistic, intolerant and spiteful humanoid bully that created a "h**l" in the first place, instead of a genuinely flawless being of light.

  10. I think you should get over your primitive superstitions and stop trying to force-feed them to trusting children.

  11. I'm not too worried about a fictional place.

    Are you worried that Santa's elves will take you to the North Pole and molest you for all eternity? Yeah, pretty much the same level of ridiculousness.

  12. It teaches that disbelievers *are in* h**l in this life ( (lol.))

  13. Try putting the bible in public schools and I'll put it up your ***!

  14. I get bored saying the same answers over and over again. We don't believe in h**l, so it doesn't scare us. Religion has no place in schools, its against the Constitution there is no proof. it doesn't use the scientific method. There too many religions because if you teach one you have to teach all or people won't be happy. If your paster is afraid of people going to h**l he can go to everybody in the world and convince them to go to church.

  15. It's your h**l and you burn in it.

    That's what I think.

    What your pastor think is largely just thought control, how would you feel about it if say the Catholics required people to attend prayer sessions and confession?  or if pagans required Christians to celebrate Yule and Samhain?

  16. Maybe 30 every... (insert day of the week here) AFTER school, There should be a Gospel meeting.

  17. I think you believers should stop trying to scare us with this ancient nonsense.

  18. I'm interested: have you ever bothered TO ACTUALLY READ what JESUS said about h**l and the destiny of those outside His Kingdom?

    you should check it out sometime.

  19. i think religions should be kept separate from school and be taught at home or in church. i dont believe a good and rightous god would send good people to h**l becasue of a difference of opinion

  20. Not even a little.

  21. No, it doesn't concern me at all.  I don't recommend your suggestion for "mandatory prayer sessions in the public school system."  I think you'll be very upset when I enforce the Constitution and have those banned.

  22. when i went to school we said the pledge of allegiance and had a moment of silence, if someone wanted to pray that was his or her on business.

    schools now days have so darn many regulations we have forgotten,who and where we are and came from.

  23. To concern us, we would have to believe in the Bible.  I realize it probably hasn't occurred to you that there are other religious books out there, but why don't you believe what they say?  The Koran would condemn you for not believing in Allah.  Does that mean you should start believing in him?  Your book is just that, your book.  You do not have the right to force it on those who do not believe in it.  As to your pastor, how would he feel if we forced everyone to pray to Allah five times a day and study the Koran in school?  Christianity is not unique in the world.  Those who do not believe in it would not be changed by daily indoctrination.  

  24. If there was h**l, I'd sooner go there than be stuck in Heaven with you religious nutters!!

    Keep your Bible out of schools.

    Schools are places of learning which encourage questioning minds.

    Your Pastor preaches from the pulpit - it is a one way dialogue. He does not encourage your contribution or thoughts, he simply trots out the same verbal diarrhea that has been spewing forth for the past 2000 years.

    I lose no sleep whatsoever worrying about whether I will go to h**l

  25. No more concerned than I am about whether Sauron will regain the one ring that binds them.Exactly that concerned

  26. I just get on the bus and strike up convesations with atheists, and before long I've steered the conversation around to "Jesus will roast you like a weenie."  It gets them every time.

    As for the other part of your question, the Baptists have quicker ways of saving people.


  27. Just the name you use in Yahoo shows that you really aren't listening to your pastor and living the 'religious' why would anyone think you asked a serious question?

    Why would someone reply to your question with a serious answer when you name yourself after an animal's genitalia?

  28. Requiring Bible Studies and mandatory prayer sessions in the public school system ? ! No, Allowing it without persecution , Yes

  29. Foolish is the man who cannot recognize a troll.  You've accomplished your mission of gettin the stupid Christians to respond to you, not knowin' that you're puttin them on.  Why is it that only atheists can detect sarcasm but Christians can't?  Hmmm, let's see, well they believe in an imaginary friend, so they must be pretty stupid.  ahhh!!!!!!!!

  30. you should live and let live

  31. It's public school for that reason not a cathloic/christian college! if people want faith they'll find it themselves it doesnt need to be pushed upon them.  

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