
The Bible say's not to get drunk, but how drunk is drunk?

by  |  earlier

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Ephesians 5;18




  1. When it affects one's judgement.  +?+

  2. Jesus said: "Let thy blood alcohol level not pass 0,08" (Matthew 6:16)

  3. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

  4. by the laws of your state

    what is the limit at which you are considered to be impaired to drive.

  5. each individual knows the answer to that question. when you can't make rational decisions then you are now considered drunk. Some people that may be one drink max and some it may be 5. You're not supposed to drink to the point of incoherance.  

  6. If you have to question it you shouldn't be drinking at all in my opinion.  

  7. when you wake up the next day in a strange place with hair in your mouth and you can't find your underwear...

  8. .06 BAC

    .08? where the f*** are you guys?!

    i'm moving ASAP

  9. .08 blood alcohol level is legally impaired.

    BTW, does it say that?  Where?

    Edit:  Then what was Jesus doing turning water into wine and all that stuff?

  10. Falling down.

  11. i think what the bible is trying to get across is that you can get drunk once and a while. just dont be a lush.

  12. Do not get sh~tfaced.


  13. inebriated: stupefied, or in any way behavior influenced by mind altering substance

  14. umm me that is the...answer, or question or conspiacy against me??@!!!!

  15. A full night of R&S drinking game time...

    Now that is drunk.

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