
The Birth of Israel?

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  1. 1948

    As a culmination of over a half century of the Zionist movement, to escape persecution of the Jewish people in exile by returning to their original homeland

    By a U.N. resolution after the British occupation ended

  2. 1948

    Its our homeland and we had nowhere else to go

    boats,planes shoes

  3. Some 5000 years ago and again in 1948.

    There was a vote on it by the UN, enough counties (voted)decided it was the right thing to do.

    Very painful as the Arabs attacked Israel the day it was declared.

  4. Hello Summer Lover,

    When: The birth of Israel is more like the rebirth of Israel, which was in 1948.  Jewish people can trace back their history in the holy land for more than 4000 years through archaeological excavations and landmarks. Israel was once called Judea around 2000 years ago.  King Solomon had built a holy temple in Jerusalem for the Jewish people living in Judea.

    Why: Jewish people throughout the ages have suffered anti-Simitism in many parts of the world including in the holy land, from which they had been repeatedly exiled.  The movement for the return of Israel, which was called Zionism, began in the 1800s with Theodor Herzl who knew it was necessary for Jewish people to have a place they could call their own.  Given her history, present-day Israel would be the only logical land.  After WWII and after 6 million Jewish people had been exterminated by the n**i regime it became quite clear that, more than ever, Israel was necessary as a safe haven for Jewish people.

    How:  In 1947 there was a United Nations vote in favor of the State of Israel - a homeland for Jewish people, so that if history should ever repeat itself, Jewish people will find a home to live in.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  5. Oh, this is a nice question.  It requires some music maestro please! It is party time!

    Hatikvah, The Hope

    The National Anthem of Israel:

    I think this song answers the Why part of your question. Lyrics:

    As long as in the heart, within,

    A Jewish soul still yearns,

    And towards the end of the East, forward,

    An eye still watches toward Zion–

    Our hope is not yet lost,

    The hope of two thousand years,

    To be a free nation in our land,

    The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

  6. srael Independence Day is celebrated annually on 5 Iyar, the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel (May 14, 1948). Whilst the possibility of a Jewish homeland in Palestine had been a goal of Zionist organisations since the late 19th century, it was not until 1917 and the Balfour declaration that the idea gained the official backing of a major power. The declaration stated that the British government supported the creation of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. In 1936 the Peel Commission suggested partitioning Mandate Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, though it was rejected as unworkable by the government and was at least partially to blame for the 1936-39 Arab revolt.

    The UN partition plan

    The UN partition plan

    In the face of increasing violence, the British handed the issue over to the United Nations. The result was Resolution 181, a partition plan to divide Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The Jewish state was to receive around 56% of the land area of Mandate Palestine, encompassing 82% of the Jewish population, though it would be separated from Jerusalem, designated as an area to be administered by the UN. The plan was accepted by most of the Jewish population, but rejected by much of the Arab populace. On 29 November 1947, the plan was put to a vote in the United Nations General Assembly. The result was 33 to 13 in favour of the plan, with 10 abstentions. The Arab countries (all of which had opposed the plan) proposed to query the International Court of Justice on the competence of the General Assembly to partition a country against the wishes of the majority of its inhabitants, but were again defeated. The division was to take effect on the date of British withdrawal from the territory (15 May 1948), though the UK refused to implement the plan, arguing it was unacceptable to both sides.

  7. a fake state with fake people like Zionists.

    This error will be corrected soon.

    P.S. Jews are welcome to live 100% like all others in Palestine with no 2nd 3rd or 4th  class citizens like the Zionists system of segragation.


  8. Israel and Palestine have the same Birth certificate it is called the UN two States solution 181.

    So if Israel has the right to exist so dose Palestine.

    Palestine was a British colony and the Zionists were the colonists.

    The British promised the Zionist colonists a colony in Palestine.

    So Israel is the last unsolved colonial rule in the world.
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