
The Book: Twlight :)?

by Guest45262  |  earlier

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what did u think of heis book?

im on page 160- shes just starting to wonder if hes a vampire

i think this book isnt all as good as people say

or is it just starting to get good for me?




  1. Okay... I'm going to say that... AGAIN...

    I HATE THAT ******* BOOKS!!

    The main character is annoying, Edward is too, TOO perfect for his own good, the rest are just fillers in the story, the fall in love each othr withour reason, yeah yeah, he is 'OMGHAWT!1" and she smells good we get it... The book has no plot, no conflict, juts sappy romance. It doesn't deserve the hype really...

  2. it gets much better. i absolutely loved the entire series.

  3. I think you need to read on a bit and then see if it gets good and at the end make up your own mind. Its okay not to like it, not everyone does but i think you should read on and give it a chance because it does get better.

  4. Just keep going, it's going to get better.  The thing about books is that sometimes you just have to keep at it

  5. Keep reading. It's a great series really.  

  6. just read it and u will like it

  7. Oh, you just wait, the first few chapters are not the best, but they get much much much better! Don't worry! Keep reading!

  8. "Twilight is one of the most moving books I have read in a long time. It kept me thinking about it long after I read the last page. Its heartbreaking romance and suspenseful twists made it hard for me to put the book down. Twilight allows the reader to experience a whole new outlook on vampires and how they interact around mankind. After reading this book I recommend it to anyone who would enjoy reading about an incredibly suspenseful romance." I beilieve the book its just starting to get good for you. remember there are 4 more books about twilight. new moon , esclipse , breaking dawn and midnight sun which is mostly about edwards thought thoughout the hole series [ all the books ]

  9. Keep reading, beginning is a little boring.

    You'll see ; )

  10. I have read Twilight, and I don't think that it's everything everyone says either.  However, I did still like the book.  I think the main reason people like it is because it's all romantic and sweet.  I don't like those types of books very much, so that's probably why I don't like it as much as everyone else.  I'm kind of surprised that you don't really like the book by now.  I liked how Edward was so mysterious.  I don't think you should quit the book totally.  It will get pretty good because in Twilight and New Moon, all the exciting stuff happens at the end.  I think you will like it, so keep reading! :)

  11. DONT GIVE UP!!!!

    Keep reading it and it'll get good! Trust me!!


  12. It's really great =D.

    I thought cause I'm a dude, I wouldn't like it, but it's awesome... you know, if you like the whole vampire/romance genre.

  13. keep reading

    you wont regret it!!!
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