
The Brazilian rain forest tribe..How long before they are wiped out by interfering "developed world prats"

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I find it facinating that there are still lost tribes in the rain forests but cant help thinking as soon as we discover them we get a load of do gooders traveling over there to try & tame them...Why dont we just let them be instead of taking our diseases to them causing them harm, Why do we feel the need to rescue them from their primitave nature...We should let them be they`ve got by fine & dont need us sticking our noses in their way of life.




  1. We do it because we realise that the so called 'civilised' society we live in, isn't. So if we don't try and get everyone in the world to 'join' it then we'd be hippocrites. This civilised society that is fuled by money and the suffering of others. I'm sure that the lost tribes want and need internet p**n, obesity and mobile phones like we do. Oh and to answer your question - I really don't know... honestly.

  2. Brazilian law states that they and all other rain forest tribes are left alone. If any scientists want to visit them the must have a valid reason and are vaccinated against influenza and other viruses before they get a permit to go visit them

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