
The British Monarchy?

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I need 6 reason for and against the motion "This house would abolish the monarchy"

So far I have


They have no political influence

They are celebrities just for being born

and We should follow every other country and have a president


They bring money via tourism

Can someone help me come up with the rest of the answers please




  1. Perservance of culture, high society, and the backbone of British History. Voting against :)

  2. for apparently their long running knowledge of politics allows them to give impartial advice and to discuss past incidents with the knowledge of someone who was involved.

    they negotiate trade and facilitate business  deals with foreign parties.

    against, they are out of touch with the general population and do not carry the respect they used to

  3. For add.

    They drain the public purse

    There are too many secondary royals who serve no purpose

    Electing a head of state is more democratic.


    Having the Royal Family brings stability to the political arena

    The costs of having an election every 4-5 years would far outweigh the costs of the stipends given to the Royal Family

    The head of state could be based on a popularity contest.

    Having an elected head of state would be no guarantee of improving the function of the head of state

    Being raised to take the position of head of state gives the crown prince or princess training before they assume the role.

    The Royal family because of their stability as head of state can influence other world leaders because they know that they cannot just weight 4-10 years and the head of state will be replaced.

    The Royal Family serves as a link to the history of the country

  4. Against:

    Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg all have monarchies. Even the President of France is Prince of Andorra. All the neighbours have monarchies, why not Britain?

    What about the rest of the Commonwealth? Abolish the British monarchy and 15 other nations will be "headless"!

  5. Scrap it. It is as out of date as smallpox

  6. They unite the british people

  7. You're right about everything except the tourism.  It's really the Scottish Guard that makes all us Americans want to go see the Queen.  We just want to try and make them laugh ;-)

  8. For:

    1. It is completely unjust that an individual should be born to rule.

    How would you like it if you could never be the managing director of your firm because the son of the managing director will one day take over his father's role regardless of how hard working or capable he is.

    2. They don't have an effect on tourism.

    You only have to look at France: they abolished their monarchy over 200 years ago but it doesn't stop the tourists from flocking to Versailles, etc to lap up the history of the country. Just imagine the amount of tourists that would flock to this country if Windsor Castle, Balmoral and Buckingham Palace were opened completely to tourists.

    3. They aren't better than Presidents.

    It is often stated by the sycophants who like to grovel at their royal master's feet that the monarch is always better than a President like Bush. Do you honestly think that the British people would be stupid enough to vote George Bush in as their president. I think us Brits have far more sense than that.

    4. You can vote Presidents out when you get sick of them.

    Unfortunately you cannot vote out a monarch. You are stuck with them till the day they die.

    5. It completely undermines democracy.

    This is because the people have no say regarding who is to be their head of state.

    6. They are an incredible waste of money.

    I recently read an article in The Times which broke down the expenses of Prince Charles over the past year. On one occasion he carried out an engagement in the west country that would have cost him £65 if he had travelled first class via British Rail. He actually used the 'Royal Train' at a cost to the taxpayer of £27,000!


    1. Provide a lot of entertainment in the tabloid press;

    2. er, sorry can't think of any others!

  9. nothing wrong with the British Monarchy.

    just find it an insult.

    more than 80% of North America

    Has Britian decent

  10. They are greedy b******s.

  11. For christs sake leave them alone. All our values & traditions are quickly being taken away from want a prat like Blair/bush as president?  The queen is a class act. Yes there are hangers on & the press are the ones that turn them into celebs to sell papers.

  12. I can show you why the "against" argument is phony. The money they supposedly bring in goes only to them and their prostituted entourages, who hang around the royals to be able to make money off that connection. So what good does it do britain, other than justifiably make the brits the laughing stock of mankind?

  13. i'm not really interested except i feel they should get a proper job
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