
The Brittish Royal family are a disgrace to society, Australia should disown them ! Agree ?

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The Royals disgust me, as an Australian I want nothing to do with the inbreds ! We disown them and any connection to Great Brittain !




  1. They are a disgrace, period......... camzila is like something that escaped from h**l !

  2. there was a referendem a few years back,did you vote?

  3. I like them.  They are fun to watch and do a lot for charity.  I can see if you were Australian you might not be so thrilled.  However plenty of you countrymen still like the Royals.

  4. Tell me, how will the Australian way of life improve if they are removed?

    If it is not broken, don't tamper with it !

  5. You have a problem don't you? This is a basic repeat of a question you asked a while back. Convicts disgust me,but I don't hate all Australians.

  6. You had a referendum - the majority of your countrymen disagreed.

    The republicans had their chance and blew it (only one territory had a majority and that was the smallest -ACT)

  7. i would have thought the word inbred was a no no for australian, after all we are decended from convicts who practiced bonking their relatives ,and the occasional sheep,its a well known fact that tasmanians have 6 toes,victorians have 6 fingers and queensland have that a*****e rudd the dudd,ps remember it was the brits that made this country what it is not the jonny come lately immigrant that have benefitted from us, you disgust me with your lack of grey matter

  8. When you say "we" who are you referring to? I have relatives in OZ and they don't.

  9. I'd just like to put in a good word for the royals. Parasites.

  10. Think of the British Royals as the cousins who get on your nerves, and all will be well since in every family there is a bunch of relatives that are not so popular with the rest of the clan..

  11. I can assure you that John Howard wasn't the last Monarchist who held office in Australia. The Monarchist Brendan Nelson, Defence Minister in the former government, was elected Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition in the federal parliament and he is against a republic (which model do you promote today?) in Australia.

    It will be to the people of Australia to decide if they want the Monarchy or a republic. And I guarantee you, we Monarchists will fight for Queen & Country.

    So far latest opinion polls showed only 45 p.c. of the Australians want a republic - and look how divided they are on what kind of republican system they want!

  12. As an australian you can go get &*^%.  Or better still move overseas.  Prehaps you can try cambodia they used to have a royal family until the communist took over.  Make sure you take some freeze dried rice with you, comrade.  

    Maybe you could try Russia.  they too had a royal family, until the communist revolution.  Now they have russian maffa.  some choice I stick with the inbreds.

  13. I'm also Australian, and I 'm not happy to be part of your assertion that "we disown them..." Speak for yourself if you like, but leave the rest of us to our own opinions.

    We had a referendum a few years back, and "you" were over-ruled by "us" stop whinging. The Royal family are no more a disgrace to society than any other normal family - we just hear more about them than we do about our neighbours, that's all.

    The Queen is 80 years old and still working hard at her job - and if you try to think of one thing that she has ever done wrong, you'll be up all night wracking your brain.

    Re your statement that they are inbred, what examples can you give of any recent royal who has married anyone remotely related to them?

    Your opinions are rather hysterical - get some sleep, you'll feel calmer in the morning.

  14. As an Australian, I find nothing disgusting about the Royals.  I have watched with interest over the years as Prince Charles has been a great advocate for sustainability and was able to take the risks that ordinary farmers were unable to do so that they could benefit from the results.  He has been able to show that it is possible to make a profit from sustainable agriculture  and  and has my whole hearted admiration.  I also prefer my tax dollers paying for a Govenor General compared to the absolute fortune any change to being a republic would cost.  how many laws would have to be rewritten, how does a president get elected and how much would that cost?

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